"My parents always had money, when they passed, I was given the money and the house."

Eren blinked

"Your parents died?!"

"I recall telling you, no?"

Eren shook his head.

"Well, there's a bit of history for yeah. My parents died a while back, when I was about 10. At the time, I didn't know much about money or bills so I was quite troubled. Erwin and I knew each other from the very start so he was able to ask his mom if she knew anyone that could help. We did end up finding someone to teach me, to which, his mom paid for the trouble. That's how I can still manage to keep this house and pay for things needed to keep it running."

Eren looked at him astonishingly. He had only been 10! He was making mud pies with Armin at that age. He felt sorry for Levi that he had to rely on himself so heavily at such a young age.

"So wait, how did your parents die?"

"My parents had just came from my grandparent's house in France. Though, they didn't make it back as their plane crashed somewhere in the pacific. The only reason I didn't go was I didn't want to listen to my grandma bitch and nag at me all day."

"What for?"

Levi uncrossed his arms and reached for his mug. He brought it up to his parted lips and sipped the dark liquid inside before setting it back down, taking the same position again.

"My grandmother would nag at me for not being happier. Let's put it that way. I hated everything and I hardly bothered with the outside. Dirt and germs are not my thing if you couldn't tell. She'd nag and bitch about how I wasn't normal and needed to spend time out more, make more friends, live the normal kid life."

"I never cared for what she said, but one could get tired of her bitching. I didn't have the patience. Now that I think about it, I would have been dead if I did go to deal with her nagging."

Eren gulped, his adams apple bobbing ever slightly as he darted his eyes away from Levi's gaze. Wow, Levi would have died. This was something big to take in, I mean, he wouldn't even be having this conversation right now if he went.

"So..uh..did they ever find the bodies?"

Levi tore his gaze from him before looking at the flat screen that played blackness.

"They did."

He felt bad. Levi never got to really have a childhood. He didn't much either, but at least he had some kind of life with his. It wasn't fair, but then again, when was life ever fair.

Levi got up and picked up his empty mug, heading into the kitchen. Eren couldn't move, it was so sad, it paralyzed him. He somehow wished he was there to hug Levi when in that situation. He would have balled his eyes out if that was him.

He got up after a few moments to take in what he just heard. He tried to think of something to say to him, anything, to change this mood that seemed to fog them both. Was he upset? Of course not, this was Levi here, but it did have to pull at least one nerve, even if tiny.

He walked into the doorway, seeing Levi drying the mug before placing it in its correct spot in the cabinet. Eren came over to Levi and did what any human would do in this moment, he hugged him.

Levi was taken back by this, but welcomed it, patting Eren's back. He wasn't really a hug person, but he didn't mind Eren hugging him.  Eren seems to be changing him, for better maybe?

He practically jumped the boy and well, forced him, but what was he posed to do? Ask nicely?


He wasn't one for asking nicely, but then, why was he so soft right now?

The Days That Pass(Levi x Eren)(Yaoi)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora