Voodoo is Complicated

Start from the beginning

Chuck-Nica: You alright, babe?

I hear Tiffany growl behind me at Chucky's question.

Y/N: I-I..

We all then hear a knock at the door.

Tiffany: Who could that be?

Chucky: I might have an idea.

Y/N: Who..?

Chucky and Chuck-Nica don't answer, with Chucky hopping off the table and Chuck-Nica getting out the chair and both walking up to the door, opening it as me and Tiffany are left questioning who it could be. When the door is opened a black haired doll, with a dark hoodie, dark blue pants with black white shoes and his hands in his hoodie pockets is shown standing in the hallway. Nothing seems out of the ordinary to me. Until I hear his voice...

 Until I hear his voice

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Doll Y/N: Hi. I'm Y/N. Nice to see you.
Doll Y/N: What? Was it something I said? Hehe

We were all silent, until I speak up.

Y/N: What. The fuck. Am I looking at?

Chucky: Surprise!~

Chuck-Nica smiles at this, while Tiff and I are completely and utterly confused by the situation.

Y/N: How did this even happen..?

//Rewind: Last Night//

Chucky's POV

After a long intimate session with Y/N, I could barly move. And my mind could only think of him and his big cock. I look over at him to see him passed out. Minutes go by and I attempt to get out of bed and on my feet, only for my legs to wobble. I use the bed frame and anything I could hold on to as support and walk towards the bathroom and clean myself up from the mess Y/N made. I mean seriously, lets be real here, who's gonna wanna touch a dirty, sticky doll? I walk out the bathroom with a towel on my head, drying my wet hair before tossing it to the floor, searching and picking up my clothes and start getting dressed. Once I was done, I cover Y/N's lower body with some blankets, before quietly sneaking out the door.

When I was halfway out, I notice the mother from earlier stepping out of her room talking to her kid with a box in her hand.

Mother: Stay here sweetie, I'm just going down throwing this creepy thing away. I'll be back in a second.

I hide behind the door frame and watch her close the door to her room and walk down stairs as I silently followed. Once she reached bottom, she searched for the nearest trash can, swiftly throwing the box in and walks away, while I watched from a distance in the dark, unnoticed. I was planning on killing her as she went back up, but my curiosity got the best of me and I decided to go see what was inside. I go to the trash and kick it over, pulling the box close to me seeing a smiling male doll from the 90's, I think. I open the box the doll was as tall as me and looked kinda cute. Then I get an idea popping up in my head. I drag the doll back up to me and Y/N's room, pushing the door open and laying it next to Y/N's unconscious body, getting in between both of them and raising my hands above their foreheads, closing my eyes and quietly saying the archaic chanting spell as to not wake up my cutie.

Chucky: Ade due Damballa. Give me the power I beg of you!

Thunder and lightning occur outside for a moment before it abruptly ceases and fades away, meaning that the spell worked, splitting Y/N's soul as proven when the doll blinked his eyes twice before slowly sitting upright and giving a confused look towards me, then down at his hands. Looking like he was gonna freak.

Chucky: How're you feeling, babe?~

Doll Y/N: T-The hell did you do this time...?

I lift his head up to me, giving him a kiss on his lips and pulls away.

Chucky: Sorry, doll~ Couldn't resist~

//End of Rewind//

No One's POV

You're seen massaging the temple of your skull, sitting on the floor and against the wall, due to your massive headache.

Y/N: Ugh....

Chuck-Nica: Anyways, my plan is to get someone in shitty town to kill.

You and your doll self look at each other, then at Chucky and Chuck-Nica, confused as fuck.

Y/N: That doesn't make any sense. You... WE don't need help killing people.....

Doll Y/N: Yeah, I think we handle ourselves pretty well actually..

Chucky: That ain't the point, babe. In order for the ritual to work, I need an innocent to commit murder to create an army of me. An army to take over America! And maybe some persuasion could help with that.

It takes a few seconds, but you finally agree with her master plan.

Y/N: Huh. Okay then..

Doll Y/N: Sooo... what the heck are we doing...?

He gestures to me and himself and everyone looks at the both of you.

Chucky: Don't worry, I thought about that.

//Small Timeskip//

Doll Y/N's POV

My human self is now holding Chucky in his left arm, while doing the same for me in his right as we're now looking from across the street to a woman holding a yard sale. Her plan is for us to be "sold" to a lucky customer. And persuade them to kill. Sounds simple enough.

Y/N: You sure about this?

Chucky: Yep!

Doll Y/N: Let's do this.

We take our chance while the lady's distracted with something else. Human me sets us down on a table, with Chucky on her side next to a full set of kitchen knives.

Y/N: Good luck.

Chucky winks at him... me? Screw it. Human Y/N quickly walks away unnoticed by anyone, pulling up hid hood and getting into his car and heading back to the hotel. Meanwhile, Chucky sees some kid coming this way as we pose like actual dolls. The kid walks over and picks Chucky up, inspecting both of us.

Woman: Hi, Jake! You into vintage?

Jake: No, I'm into retro.

Woman: Oh, what's the difference?

Jake: About 10 bucks.

Woman: Fair enough.

She giggles. Jake takes out $20, paying for both me and Chucky before picking me up with him. As we leave, I hear the lady say something else.

Woman: Oh, someone took the butcher knife.

(To be continued...)

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