"Sam?" I started, a little nervously. "Do you really want to do that on my birthday?"

Sam turned away, blushing as much as I was. "I don't know if we'll be ready then, but I thought it would be a good time for us to try. You know, like a birthday or Christmas present."

I thought about that for a moment and then smiled over at her. "That's a sweet gesture."

"I was trying to decide between that, Christmas or New Year's Eve. But I thought it would be more realistic that I could get out on your birthday if I told my dad I was Christmas shopping for him and my cousins."

"You were pretty descriptive in that story," I pointed out softly.

She hid her face so I couldn't see how red she was getting. "I couldn't help it! I lay in bed at night thinking about you and my body goes crazy! And then I dream about you and we're doing all these wonderful things, so I just wrote about them!"

I thought about that again, then reread some of the paragraphs. It definitely made my breathing speed up and made me feel a heat in my lower belly that made me want to try everything she'd written. "Do you... Do you think it tastes good?" I bit my lip nervously, afraid of her answer.

She peeked through her hands at me, seeing my nervousness. "I hope so! Everything I've read makes it sounds like it really feels good, so I hope the person doing the ummm... work, enjoys it."

"Well, I know what I'll be dreaming about tonight," I muttered to myself.

"Oh really?" she asked with a smirk. I keep forgetting it is so quiet in here that a simple whisper will be heard between us. "And will I be between your legs, or you between mine?"

Now it was my turn to hide my face behind my hands, though I heard her giggle softly at me. But then her lips were on my ear, kissing gently. "Don't hide Abby. I dream of you every night, and think of you in the shower, or in my bed when I'm excited. I think it is natural to be aroused by the person you want to be with."

I shivered at the feel of her breath on me, and then again at her words. "Do you really think of me that way?" I had to ask, because I know my body type wasn't the typical for a girl, and she was a hell of a lot sexier than I was. "I'm not much to look at."

I felt her pry my hands away from my face, and then she got on her knees, turning around, and settling into my lap. "Abby don't say that. You're beautiful just the way you are, both inside and out. Believe me, you turn me on. But you're also the kindest person I've ever met, and you're so smart too! So of course, I think of you in that way."

I just smiled up at her, happy to hear those words from her. "Thanks Sam. I'm sorry, I just see you and your cousins changing in the locker room and I know I don't look anything like you."

"That isn't a bad thing though. Trust me, your muscles make me think a lot of very naughty things. I bet you could twirl me around like a cheerleader does a baton! And I wouldn't change how you look for anything," she assured me. "Now come on, I want to read the rest of your story."

I nodded shyly, and then went back to her story. I reread the steamy scene once more, trying to ingrain it into my mind. If this was what she was writing about, then she'd most likely want to try that someday, and I'd want to do the same. I wanted to make her as happy as she made me.

"Oh my!" I heard Sam whisper excitedly. "A phone sex scene huh?"

Oh my God I forgot I wrote that. I'd pared down the other dirty parts, because I didn't know how to explain everything. But phone sex was all talking and then touching yourself. That I could easily imagine and included that in the story. "Yeah, just a little. I didn't think I could sneak into your house, or you could sneak out, so I put that in."

She looked over at me with a sly smile. "I bet we could make that happen."

My jaw dropped when she said that, and I didn't even try to cover my blush. "Really?"

She bit her lip while nodding. We'd been texting every night, and sending silly selfies, so this would be just another step for us, right? Our house had a split layout, with my mom's master bedroom on one side of the family room, and mine and Jessie's on the other side. With Jessie at college till the Thanksgiving break, I had privacy as long as I wasn't too loud. "I'm in!"

"Good! The next time we have a little privacy we'll try it out!" she promised, her eyes boring into mine with desire. "Can I kiss you again?"

"I don't know why you ever stop kissing me, silly!" I replied, while pulling her down into me, our lips hungrily moving together. Reading these stories definitely got our hormones raging, and the kisses became frantic as we remembered all of the words we'd been reading. My hands were under her shirt on her back and God did I want to feel her body against mine. I could feel her hands under my shirt as well, flat against my belly as her nails drew lines on me that had me craving more. I almost had to rip myself away from her just to keep from going too far and too fast. "I'm sorry, I got a little carried away there."

"Don't apologize for that. I think we both did." Her forehead rested against mine as her body lay limp in my lap.

"I don't know how I'm going to get through the school year like this," I admitted. "If this keeps up, we're going to go crazy!"

"Good things come to those who wait. That is the saying, right? So, we'll take our time and then we'll be happy. I know we'll find a way," Sam promised me. I knew she really believed it too, she wanted us to be together as much as I did, and that gave me the hope I needed to get through the rest of the day once the bell rang.

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