8 - Parenting skills at work or stuff

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I was petting some red cat that came out of nowhere. I looked up when I heard footsteps. So, basically what happened, is that since my fart stinked so bad, they I supposed moved the dramatic meeting to another day. I stared at the girl, clockwork, or Natalie, I'll probably call her clockwork to avoid getting killed. (I honestly don't remember who took part in her kidnapping I need to reread this💀) "So you're the new kid, huh? Well, nice to meet you sweetheart, I'm clockwork." "Hello! I'm y/n." I said proudly. "Here, a welcoming gift for you." She gave me my favorite stuffed plushie. I smiled at her, "thank you." This is probably the nicest thing someone has done for me since I turned, uh, how old am I again? Great, now I can't finish my dramatic thought.

I picked at my food that the proxies gave me. There is a reason why they're nice to me right? I wish I could read their mi-

'I hope she likes it, and if not I hope she doesn't friken burn the house down.'
'she better eat it, I spend time on that.'
'Can she eat any slower?'

Nevermind I take that back. Like, a million thoughts were rushing to me, giving me a ongrowing headache. Then the thoughts vanished. I slowly ate my food, gagging since whoever cooked this is a terrible cooker-

I was scrolling on my phone through memes, as someone brushed my hair. I yelped when my hair got yanked at a spot, I accidently squished my phone, making me stare at it. It then repaired, making me shrug, and avoid destroying the house. Literally.

I was curled up in a corner, before I got picked up and put to a bed, and got tucked in. Man, are they my replacement parents now, if so they need parenting skills. Theirs suck.

I'm 100% sure that they're acting like parents to you to avoid you destroying the mansion kid.

Shut up, they do it because they love me, duh.

That's what you think 🙄🖐️

That's what I know🤩👆

How are you guys even saying emojis..

Suddenly the whole world went dark with the voices becoming fade. I looked around at the dark surrounding me. Then I held my breath when I see a demon infront of me. Zalgo was it? Damn he's ugly. I can't tell who's more attractive, Slenderman or Zalgo. Probably none. But he was just staring at me. "Hello child. I am-" "yes yes, zalgo, I've heard of you and shit, let's not be dramatic about this and let's play Uno instead." I said poofing uno shit with my magic. Zalgo stared at me as if regretting his decision of meeting me. "I'll play Uno with you if you join my side." "Huh? There's sides?" "You're an complete idiot." "Thanks🤩🖕" "h-"

Everything came back, and I see a proxy standing over me. "Wake up, don't you have school?" It took me a moment to process before I literally screeched and scrambled out of bed. I proofed my horns away, before scrambling to get my shit before running out the door. Then I stopped. I just got kidnapped, why are they letting me go? Meh whatever. I ran all the way to school. All I could feel is the surprised and terrified faces or stares when I walked through the halls. I get why, I was kidnapped and I suddenly appear after a few days after getting kidnapped, So reasonable explanation for the stares and faces. "Y/n... Please stay there.." I saw her picking up the phone, I narrowed my eye brows at her, before glaring, I knew that my glare terrified her. I smirked cockily, before slapping myself. I walked forward into class, avoiding everyone. Or tried to, I only stared at my enemy's. "HOW? WE ALL THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD." I raised my eyebrows, "Awww, you missed me? Don't worry I did too." I said grinning at them. I could see them all scoff, some grinning back, and others rolling their eyes, but I can see the relived expression in their eyes. "It's been boring without you if we're going to be honest." "I know right! No one can stand being without me-"

I grumpily crossed my arms as I sat in the classroom, with a bandage on my cheek. Soon after awhile the police bursted in, and grabbed me, and dragged me into their car. Damn, how am I supposed to get out of this?

"She got what?"
"She got dragged into the police station for questioning, I doubt it'll be easy to get her back if I'm going to be honest."
"This sucks."


I didn't even realize I published this by accident- 😭🖐️

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