4 - AAAaAaaAAaa

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After that incident I had been more paranoid. Also I had been getting so much feelings to not go anywhere. Like WtF! "Hey bitch!" she heard someone yell. She only deadpanned before looking at the group of kids. "How the fuck am I a female dog? Isn't that you since you and your group follows your leader all around like a lost puppy?" I snapped back. The leader then pushed me and pinned me to the locker. "Dont speak like that to us, And I want to hear you scream loudly.."


He growled. "Ok." I said before breathing in. "Wait- What- WAIT WAIT-"


to late I screamed as loudly and hard as I can having some voice cracks. they all covered their ears as it echoed throughout the school. I took my chance and bitched slapped him before running away. "CYA LOSERS!" I yelled laughing as they all started screaming and stomping. They are having a pussy fit. I sighed as I plopped on bed. My head had been hurting on two sus spots. I closed my eyes and drifted off.

I looked around as I see I was in a Forest. I hummed remembering this Forest. The forbidden forest. I shrugged thinking I might be dreaming or I fucking sleepwalked. I started heading back when I see a child. Her brown hair swaying as well as her bloody pink dirty dress(?) She held a dirty teddy bear in one hand as her face was all bloody too. The blood dripped down her face as her emerald eyes glew brightly as she stared at me. I was kinda pissed when I saw blood dripping from under her dress(?) That means she probably got raped. Because no one can bleed that much unless they got raped. (I don't know much about that- but I know when kids get their periods) she had a terrifying yet friendly smile as she started at me. I sweat-dropped a little, she wasn't moving and she looks pale. "Welcome home new friend..." was all she said before she faded when suddenly this fog came. My eyes widened when a rundown looking mansion appeared in front of me. I felt someone behind me so I snapped my head around to see a bunch of unhuman looking people. Some looked human but, weird. One had a freaking clock in their eye. Oof, I wondered how that felt like. But what stood out was the kid and the tall faceless creature. For once I felt intimidation. "See what you really are my new child...." was all he said before everything faded. I was then in a black box. It seems like an endless void of darkness. I looked down and I felt dizzy. It looked as if, if you fall you would never stop going down. Same as all... My eyes widened when I felt intense pain. I bit my lip as I gripped my head where I felt so much pain.

I bolted up sweating like crazy. I turned around. I was back at my house in my room. No Weird people... No kids... No faceless creature... I sighed before going to the bathroom. I looked at the mirror before putting my arms out and screaming (like the drawing). "SHUT THE FUCK UP Y/N!" I heard everyone yell. I deadpanned a little before slapping myself. I had FUcKinG devil horns. One H/C and one light yellow. Not to mention I had full H/C hair. I didn't even fucking buy hair dye it whatever the fuck it's called. Then that's when I noticed that I had a yellow streak in my hair as one of my eye were E/C as the other was the same as the light yellow horn. I growled before slamming my hands on the sink breaking the top. My eyes widened, before I tried to fix it. I deadpanned again as a blue glow formed and the sink was fixed. I rubbed my eyes before looking at the mirror again. I need actual sleep... I went to bed before slamming my head on the pillow. Not noticing a red eyes staring at me through my window.

𝐿𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓁𝑒 𝒹𝑒𝓋𝒾𝓁 〘Creepypasta x Op!child reader〙Where stories live. Discover now