17- Events after events

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*Story credit/ Inspo by @smuttslxt*

"If your ass doesn't wake up in the next 5 seconds, I will burn you alive." I hear, opening my eyes to the source.

Aurelia stands over me, literally holding a lighter in her hands with it lit. I roll away from her to the other side of the bed.

"Well well well, look who woke up on the wrong side of the bed on this fine morning." I say, narrowing my eyes at her. She looks pissed, body shaking from sheer rage.

"Your alien simp ass boyfriend paid me a visit last night." She says, closing the lighter and walks out the room. I lift myself off of the bed and follow her out of my room and into the kitchen where she starts frantically (and aggressively) grabbing things for cereal.

"What do you mean he paid you a visit?" I say. I'm starting to think that he's ultimately serious about the whole exchange and the offer he made but seeing Aurelia's reaction to him talking to her, I really don't know if I should help him.

"That stupid ass, creepy ass, stalker ass , mind-intruding ass bitch decided he wanted to try and get me to convince you of some stupid plan that he has to destroy his own kind. He thought he could use me to get to you, stupid idiot." She says, slamming the drawer shut. "He also criticizing me about all the things I wish I could have done and then he had the absolute audacity to call me a fool!"

She's yelling at this point and I don't know if I should retreat or just take it. I know she isn't yelling at me but she's a really sweet girl. Fierce and very direct but she's sweet, so her yelling and actually being mad is a scare.

That's cause she's a Libra. Makes sense.

"Okay, first off, why did he call you a fool?" I ask. She sighs, leaning her head on the counter. "He said that he knew how much I wanted someone. How much I wanted a normal life like highschool and crushes and sports and hanging out with people. He told me that I'd be a fool if I decided to date any guys now, especially in the situation we are in."

She looks up at me and her eyes shine, threatening tears to fall through. "How could he tell me something like that? I haven't had the highschool experience. If we are being technical, I'd be a junior right now. My highschool life is would be almost over and boyfriends are out of reach."

I get up from my leaning against the fridge and I walk over to her. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tightly to me, holding her like I can't let her go.

"Ivy, he saw my suffering. He saw how much I was hurting and yet he kept saying things that made it worse. He never encouraged me, he never told me that everything was gonna be okay. I was hoping when he visited me that he would apologize but he didn't. Ivy, he was so mean."

I run my fingers through her hair. That asshole has done more than fuck up things. Now he's fucking up Aurelia. I let go of Aurelia and hold her at arm's length, "He visited me too. About the whole destroying his kind thing. He's probably gonna be on my ass about it a lot too."

She looks at me in disgust, "My god. Doesn't he ever stop? Doesn't he realize that you don't like him anymore? That you hate him?"

I hate him but I love him.

"No he doesn't. Unfortunately. Look, I'm gonna try to fix this but in the meantime, don't you worry about it okay?" She nods and continues to make her cereal. I leave her to her breakfast, walking upstairs and into my room.

I shut the door and walk over to my bed, laying on it. I try to connect with Ansel's soul even though it is super super weak now because of our time apart and probably the part of me that hates his guts.

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