5- Training

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*Story credit/ Inspo by @smuttslxt*

I wake up to the sound of birds outside and sunshine landing on my face. I move around and kick the blanket off of me.

Ansel must have put it on me.

Oh right. I named him right before I went to sleep. I sit up on the couch and look around. Ansel is nowhere to be seen. I'm about to call out his name when he appears right next to me. I jump.

"How the hell did you do that?" I ask. He just appeared out of nowhere. I swear he wasn't there before. He just looks at me and sighs.

What the hell did I do?

"We must start you're training today while we are at piece." He says and he stands up, holding his hand out to me fore me to do the same. I don't take it, I just look up at him with a confused expression.

"Training? Training for what? What am I training for?" I ask. I've never had a good athletic ability so this is going to be brutal whether it's easy or not.

"We must find a way to get past the gated part of your mind. When we do that, you will have the abilities of a Lopian unlocked and can use them as you please." He says with his hand still stretched out to me. One thing that annoys me so much is the way he talks. It's so formal, so other.

"Can you change the way to talk?" I ask him as I take his hand and he pulls me up. He cocks his head to the side as if he were a confused dog.

"I do not understand what you request for me to do. This is just how I speak." He says. I guess he can't really help it.

"Nevermind. Let's just go." I say as I walk out the door into the the warm crisp sunlight. The air out here smells so fresh and not full of death and decay and smoke. The water a few feet down from the cabin is a beautiful blue.

"Wow. This place is absolutely gorgeous. How'd you find a place like this?" I ask. There's no way the he just stumbled upon it. When we were in the air, he must have crossed states to get here.

"I lived here." is all he says as he walks to an empty patch of field surrounded by trees. I follow him, trying to keep up with his pace.

"What do you mean you lived here?" I ask him. He just looks at me with an emotionless stare and then looks away, rolling up the sleeves of his black long sleeve shirt.

"We must not dwell on the past. It is the present that we must focus our attention to. Now, hit me." He says in a flat monotone.


"Why would I hit you?" I say. I back up a few feet away from him and he sighs. "You need to train and unlock the gated part of your mind. Now, focus on your inner self. Touch mine, we are alike so you should be able to connect with your inner Lopian. Focus, draw in the strength first and when you feel as if you have it. Hit me."

I just look at him like he's crazy because technically he is. How the hell am I supposed to do a single thing that he just said? It makes no sense whatsoever.

"How am I supposed to do that?" I ask him. He shrugs and says, "That's where you are on your own. There are different ways that Lopians connect with their souls and draw out their abilities. Mine is my tattoos. You have to figure yours out."

I huff. This is going to be harder than I thought. I don't even know how to start so I just close my eyes, leaving my mind empty of any thoughts and try to touch my soul.

While my mind is empty, I feel a tiny spark and then everything is light. I'm there but I'm not there and I see another light in the distance. Ansel. I reach out to touch his soul but am interrupted by s song ringing in my head, disrupting the light.

My mind goes dark again, filled with thoughts once more but the song keeps playing.

It's happening again. Well, I don't give a fuck about your friends. I'm right here, here.

He looks at me with a very unamused look. Almost as if he were getting impatient and annoyed. Why the hell am I thinking of Chase Atlantic songs in a time like this?

"I'm sorry. Let me try again." I say, closing my eyes and attempting to empty my thoughts again. There's a tiny spark and everything is light again but it only lasts for a while before I hear,

Oh, baby take a look around. I'm the only one that hasn't walked out. I'm right here, here.

The connection breaks and the song continues. I cant empty my mind and I can't tune into my soul. I fall to the ground in defeat. "I can't do this." I whisper and pull my knees to my face.

I hear crunching leaves and footsteps walking towards me and then I feel muscular hands pulling me up to my feet.

"You will most definitely not succeed with that kind of attitude." He says. He looks me up and down then focuses on my eyes,"Why was your focus broken?" He asks.

I look up at him, ashamed and say,"A song kept playing in my head whenever I emptied my thoughts and got close to connecting with my soul." He stays quiet for a little bit. I look down to the ground at my feet, afraid of what he might say.

Why am I so eager for his approval? Why should I care if I fail or not? I don't even want this? Do I?

"Maybe that's not the way. You said it was a song that distracted you?" He says. I stay looking at the ground and nod my head. He lifts up my chin with his hand to look him in his eyes. His eyes are soft, not as guarded as they were before. The red sparkles and swirls with admiration or atleast what I think is admiration.

"Then maybe singing is your calling" he says. I look at him in horror. I cannot sing. At all. Last time I did that, I fell down the stairs. At school. In front of everyone. I shudder at the memory. Kylie had helped me up and got everyone to stop laughing. She threatened to spill gossip about everyone if they didn't stop talking about me.

Everyone was scared of Kylie. She knew everything about everyone. There was nothing you could hide from her but it came to an advantage. She's always been there for me, ever since we were kids.

Oh Kylie. God I miss you.

Ansel places a hand on my cheek and caresses my face with his thumb. "You will be alright. Do not think about the past. It hinders you. It makes it not possible to move forward." He says.

I look up at him and nod. I close my eyes again and take a deep breath before singing. It's not Chase Atlantic (unfortunately), it's not even in English. I'm guessing that the song is in the Lopian language but I can understand it just fine.

I open my eyes and it feels like the world is so much brighter. My senses are heightened and I feel so much more powerful. That nobody can equal up to me. That I can take on everyone and everything.

I finally notice Ansel standing a few feet away from me. We are connected. We are equal. We are for each other.

"Now, hit me." He says. For some reason, I do not hesitate. I move fast, faster than ever before, to him and I knock him down with kick of my foot. He hits a tree behind him, breaking it in half and landing on the tree behind it, making it crack.

He groans in pain but looks up at me and smiles. "You're eyes are so beautiful when they look like that. You have succeeded the activation process" he says as he attempts to pull himself up. I run over to him and the rush of power going through me fades. I guess I'm back to normal.

I pull him up to his feet and we stand in front of each other. I look up at him and he looks down at me but he's smiling.

"Moving on." He says and he pulls me to the edge of the lake.

I really hope I am not going to be swimming.

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