11- Dream

592 46 8

*Story credit/ Inspo by @smuttslxt*

I stare at the little girl in disbelief, trying to decipher what I'm seeing.

Shit. The little girl is me? Are you fucking serious right now?

I hear the man chuckle in the intercom.

"I am sorry. Ivy, darling, how are you today?" He asks. The little girl changes her face from mad to smiling. I cant tell if she's really happy or if she's faking it because there's a glint of mischief behind her eyes.

"I am doing great! Ms.Gloria came in and gave me a new toy! See?" She says as she walk up to the glass and shows them her toy which is a blue stuffed bear.

"That's amazing, Ivy! I'll tell you what, after I'm done working, I'll come in and play with you. How does that sound?" The man says.

Little me starts jumping up and down in excitement.

Bro, who is this guy? Is he in charge of me?

After a while, the door opens to reveal a handsome young man. I'd say that he was about 25 years old. He picks little me up and spins me around, making me giggle and scream. He puts me down and little me runs across the room and picks out several children's books.

The man walks to a chair and sits in it while tiny Ivy runs to him with books falling out of her hands. The man chuckles and pick tiny Ivy up to sit in his lap. He takes one of the books and starts reading to her.

I walk up to them and sit down on the foot stool, listening to the story and watching the both of them. I don't look in any danger and the man doesn't look like he'd hurt me.

After around 2 book, tiny Ivy starts to drift asleep. The man notices and puts the book down, carrying her to the bed. He tucks her in and kisses her gently on her forehead while moving the hair out her face.

"You are so precious little Ivy. You may be different from us but you are just as special." He says before starting to walk away. As he reaches the door, I hear tiny Ivy sit up from her bed.

"I love you daddy." She says, smiling. The man turns around, walks to her, and hugs her tightly while giving soft kisses on her head. "I love you too, my sweet girl." With that, he leaves the room and little Ivy falls asleep.

That's.. my dad?

There's no way that's my dad. Even when I was little, my dad never looked like that. Besides, the guy was a pure human, I didn't look that way in this dream. I was the same pale color as Ansel and my eyes were an unnatural blue.

I wanted to find out who he was so I walked out the door without touching it, leaving little Ivy in the room. I followed the guy down a white hallway and walked in with him when he entered what looked like a meeting room. Inside the meeting room were men and women with suits who looked like they owned the place.

I got very intimidated but then I remembered that they couldn't see me. The man with Ivy walks around towards the head of the table and sits right next to it.

"How is the project?" A woman says. I honestly want to smack her. I cant believe they think of me as some kind of experiment.

The man with Ivy says, "Ivy. Her name is Ivy and she is doing well. Her current status is sleeping and her numbers have stayed constant. There has been any spike in change of her abilities and we can safely say that she won't be using them for a long while." Everyone nods their head and begin to talk more about me.

The man at the front of the table has been silent for the whole meeting until he coughs and everyone goes silent, turning their heads to him.

He looks mean.

"I believe that it is time to inject her with the sapien serum and send her to the outside world. To see how she deals." The mans says. Everyone is quiet on this one.

Finally, the man that was with Ivy shakes his head, "I don't think that's a good idea. The outside world will be too much of a shock to her system. In human age, she's approximately 4 years old and she's so attached here." The man at the front looks at him and chuckles, "Or is it perhaps you've gotten attached to her. Listen Holden, I understand that you have no family that cares about you and you might think that the project is the one that does. I assure you, however, that she cares nothing about you." the man at the front says.

Holden sucks in his breath, face turning red. Probably from anger. "Do not speak about things you know nothing about. I am the only one in this goddamn facility who gives a damn about this child. I know she cares for me, I see it and I feel it. She calls me her father for christ's sake." He says, breathing heavily.

The man at the front stares at him, "You do realize that this child is not human. Correct?" Holden nods. "It is only an amount of time before she activates her powers and takes over. We need to inject as many human attributes as possible, hiding her real self. We will watch how she is with the injections for about 2 weeks and then we will send her out."

I can see and feel the anger radiating from Holden. The man at the front dismisses them all and everyone leaves, except for Holden. He stays seated for a little bit then rises to his feet and walks out the door. I follow him to see him walking towards little Ivy's room.

He stops abruptly and when I look around him to see why he stopped. I see little Ivy's door is wide open and then I hear screaming. Holden and I run to the room to find several people in white hazmat suits trying to hold down Ivy. Holden runs to them and starts throwing punches. Several other people in suits come to hold him down.

Little Ivy's screams are killing me but I have no power to do anything but watch. God, I feel so helpless. They try to pin Ivy down but she's kicking and screaming. The man from the meeting walks in and stands next to Holden who's struggling to break free.

"Ya know, if you reassure her that everything will be okay then this will go by ver smoothly." He says.

Holden shoots a death glare at the man, "Why the fuck would I let you do something to her that I'm not okay with and then reassure her that's she's going to be fine!?" He yells. The man starts laughing, "Holden, you have no say in what I do to her. As you may now, you're just her supervisor. You can be easily replaced."

Holden stops fighting and looks at little Ivy who's screaming and crying. "Daddy! Please help me! I don't like needles! Please daddy please tell them no needles!" I feel tears prick at my eyes. I look to Holden and find him walking slowly to her and he picks her up. She starts sniffling and sobbing into his shoulder then he walks over to the man.

"She will get the serum, as long as I do it. She doesn't trust anyone but me and it will be a longer process to go through if they do it." Holden says. He squeezes little Ivy tighter and she's does the same. The man nods, telling the suits to leave the serums for Holden. "We will be watching, so no sneaky stuff Holden." The man says and then he leaves.

Holden carries little Ivy to the bed and sets her down. He looks her in the eyes and runs his thumb under her teary eyes, swiping away a stray tear. "Now listen to me darling, we have to do this. You have to overcome your fears okay." Holden says. Little Ivy shakes her head, hair moving shaking with her and hitting her in the face. Holden chuckles, "Did you know that brave little girls get surprises?" Little Ivy's eyes widen and I notice that Holden is reaching back to grab a serum.

Ohhhh he's distracting her.

They start talking about all the things that she wants and by the time Holden has injected all the serums, little Ivy is giggling with excitement about all the surprises she will get. "Okay I'm ready for the needle now." She says and she closes her eyes. Holden chuckles and pulls her into his lap. "You're already done Ivy."

Little Ivy opens her eyes and sees that all the serums are empty then she looks at Holden with a sparkle in her eyes. "I didn't even feel it!" She says while giggling. Holden chuckles and squeezes her tight. Little Ivy snuggles up against him and yawns, "Daddy, do I still get the surprises?" Holden laughs and kisses her on the top of her head, "Yes, you will get the surprises."

Little Ivy is about to go to sleep when she says, "Daddy, when I grow up, I'm gonna take care of you. I promise." Holden looks straight forward and I see tears threaten to escape.

"I hope so, Ivy, I hope so."

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