"She yearns for different company."

"Yes the company of beasts and creatures." She said in a rather snobby tone.

"No Helsa. Being away from me for so long has made her realize she doesn't need me anymore. It has given her the want for other arms to hold her. The desire to be with another man. A husband."

"A husband who's dirty, hairy, and probably walks on all fours." Helsa started teasing again. "Just think of it Father, they could marry in the woods with rabbits and squirrels as their witnesses."

"Helsa don't even joke about that. Can you imagine how awful it would be if your sister were to become the bride of that demon?!"

Helsa did imagine that and at first she liked the idea of sister getting married to a hideous creature. To see her suffer such humiliation or worse. But then she remembered that this monster lived in a castle with servants and treasure. His wealth surpassed even that of royalty, so yes Charlotte would have an ugly husband but she would live like a queen. She would live far better than Helsa ever would in her marriage.

"Yes Father that would be horrible."

"Indeed but thankfully such a dreadful thing will never be realized. Charlotte could never love anything so repulsive and she already has a fine suitor." Lucifer said. "Which reminds me, I have neglected to inform Seviathan of your sister's return and to inform her of the wonderful news. This discovery of her change in feelings has all but confirmed that marriage is just what she needs."

Seviathan had arrived at Lucifer's household first thing in the morning and for three days they did a little talking and planning. Then one afternoon much to Charlotte's displeasure, her father left her alone to share a walk with Seviathan. She would have protested but then Lucifer brought up how Seviathan had gone into the forest to rescue her thus making her feel that she should at least thank him properly.

"Words cannot describe how I missed you Charlotte." He told her during their walk. "When your father told me what had become of you I was horrified yet a part of me sensed you still lived. That's why I tried to do everything in my power to retrieve you."

"I am most grateful for your concern for me Seviathan." She told him. "Especially considering the danger you faced when you tried to find me."

"Funny thing though, I didn't face any danger when I came looking for you. Plenty of confusion and dead ends but no danger."

"Really?" Charlotte inquired. "You weren't attacked? Or at the very least, you didn't encounter any strange creatures?"

"I thought I saw a strange looking cat spying on me and later I heard a voice. A gruff one. He told me that I do not belong in the forest and that I should leave. He said that his master had decided to be lenient with intruders and give them a warning. But only one warning."

Upon hearing this Charlotte was filled with more pride for Alastor than ever. So he really had changed for the better. She did have a few doubts considering that any addiction was very hard to break, almost impossible for some, but this all but confirmed that Alastor was redeemed. She smiled.

"What's made you so happy all of a sudden?" Seviathan asked.

"Oh I...I'm just happy that you were not harmed."

"Then what I am about to tell you next will make feel overjoyed."


"Well as you know Charlotte you have always been the lady I favor and although you have spurned me, I'm sure that our time apart has made your heart grow fonder. Now that you've returned, we'll be wed next Spring."

"What?!" Charlotte gasped.

"I've spoken to your father and he has given me his blessing."

"Oh he has, has he? What else has been going on that's not to my knowledge?"

"Only the announcement. The rest can be planned next week."

"Announcement? So everyone knows about this except me?"

She was very upset. She could not believe that her father would actually confirm her marriage to someone without even discussing it with her or hearing her thoughts on the matter.

"What right do you two have to do that?! I haven't even given you an answer!"

"What answer is there for you to give other than yes? We shall be a most perfect  pair. We'll have success, wealth, power. We'll be the envy of everyone."

"I'm not hearing this."

"It is destiny Charlotte. We are meant to be."

"There's been a mistake Seviathan."


"I can't marry you."

"Of course you can. Your father consented."

"I mean I won't marry you and I do believe that I made that perfectly clear the last time this subject was brought up."

"Charlotte considering that you've spent a year with some  cannibalistic beast, I thought that you would understand the benefits of a life with me."

"Seviathan I want you to understand something. I don't love you so I will never marry you and that's that."

"No Charlotte. I think it is you who are mistaken." He grabbed her arm in a rough manner. "Now I've been very patient with your willfulness and I realize that this stubborn behavior is out of your brain but I cannot allow you to make a fool out of me."

"You don't need my help in that aspect."

"How dare you speak to me that way! You are promised to me!"

"I made you no promises!"

"Your father promised you to me therefore we are to be wed!"

"My father does not decide who I marry!" She jerked her arm away. "I do! It's my life! My heart! My choice! And if you really love me then you would respect and care about my feelings! Just like..."

She trailed off when she realized that she almost compared Alastor to Seviathan. As if he was trying to court her as well. But why was that? After all, as far as she knew he only saw her as a companion and nothing more. He didn't have any romantic feelings for her. She was sure if it. Yet why did his name come to mind in that manner?

"Like who Charlotte?" Seviathan asked her.

"No one." She answered.

"Tell me! Like who? Another man in your life? Another suitor?"

"It's none of your business and I'm going home now. Good day."

"Who is he? Who is he?!"

"I said good day."

She turned to her heels and walked away very quickly without uttering another word to him. However he had no intention of giving up his pursuit of her.

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