Principal Accused of Sexism

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The next morning at school, I saw Adree in the hallway. "Check your phone," she said, the hint of a smile tugging at her lips.

So I did. As usual, several twitter notifications made themselves known. Clicking on them revealed several links to an article from the LA Times:


Principal Accused of Sexism

A Crystal Shore High School student is shutting down her social media activism project after her principal deemed it "inappropriate" and demanded she terminate it. The project, called Girls Shit Too, has been generating quite a response from followers since the high school senior, Dallas Delaney, announced its discontinuation. According to the tweet she posted, the principal told her the project was vulgar and offensive and that young ladies shouldn't cuss or talk about going to the bathroom. When asked if he would have such a problem with boys cussing or talking toilet, his alleged response was that "boys will be boys, but ladies need to act like ladies."

When we reached out to Delaney for comment, she said, "I told him the project is aimed at achieving equality. He told me 'equality' is a buzzword and that I'm making a mountain out of a molehill."

Though the title of her project may be off-putting, it can't be denied that she is committed to achieving some form of equality: she wants girls to be able to "adopt the perks of masculinity without being reprimanded or punished."

The principal told us that he "is doing what is in the best interest of Crystal Shore High School" and declined to comment further.

Disappointed students and other social media participants have been accusing him of sexism.


When I saw the article, part of me felt like justice had been served. The other part of me was saying shit shit shit over and over again. The hot water I was in with Runsberger had surely started boiling, and I imagined all the things he could do to me, all the level-four and -seven and -ten offenses he could throw at me to seek vengeance for revealing him to the West Coast as the sexist he was.

Before anything could happen, I decided to split, which probably wasn't a good idea since I'd already missed two days for my suspension. When I got home, I told Mom I needed a mental health day, but really, I just wanted one more day to figure out how Runsberger should be dealt with. Surprisingly, Mom didn't argue; she still had the look of someone suffering from poison, with a side effect of sadness.

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