Being A Dad

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"Pass me an IV, Hogan, one of them in the second cabinet to the right." Dr Helen Cho was watching Loki's pulse drop and his breathing slow due to the lack of nutrients and fluids for over 24 hours.

Happy passed the doctor the IV, as well as a mouth piece for the next stage of stabilising Loki.

"I need to re-set his femur and tibia, they've been broken one too many times, and if they don't get fixed soon Loki will have a permanent limp and find it hard to walk. It's not going to be pretty, but it has to be done now. It just cannot be held off any longer."

Happy nodded, and Helen prepared a double dose of anaesthetic to hopefully keep Loki asleep until they got back to the Avengers Tower.

"Loki, I'm just going to inject you with this anaesthetic. Please don't worry, it's just a pinch."

Loki was too tired to give the doctor a reply, but nodded slightly in response.

"Okay." Helen began.


"-and then I found him in yet another alley! They were like Stevie's second home. Isn't that right Steve?"

Bucky was telling Natasha, Bruce - the Hulk had decided to depart - Laufey and a half asleep Peter about Steve's antics from the wartime.

"Bucky! You're so embarrassing!" Steve groaned, knowing that Tony was definitely listening and preparing ways to torment Steve even more.

Suddenly, a loud scream came from the back of the jet, where the medical room was.

A sense of dread filled the atmosphere as the group turned in the direction of the disturbing noise.

They all knew who was in the medical room, they all knew what was happening.

Peter shot up, albeit shakily, and started stumbling towards the back of the jet.

"..', don'..." Peters eyelids were almost fully closed, and his head was pounding.

His vision was going blurry, and the world wouldn't stop spinning. His joints ached, his muscles felt painfully sore, and he kept seeing little spots dance across his eye-line.

Peter couldn't just sit there and hear Loki scream. He just couldn't.

He needed to go and get him, to save him from whatever torture he was being put through.

Peter's mind was too clouded with pain to realise that Loki was safe and being helped by a doctor at the minute.

He staggered across the floor of the aircraft, not even getting halfway before stumbling and starting to fall on the floor.

Laufey was quick to take a large step and reach out for Peter before he hit the floor, being able to grab him by the back of his neck.

Peter whimpered slightly, mumbling Loki's name slowly and reaching his arms out in the direction of the medical room.

" they're hurting 'im..."

Standing up from the small aircraft bench, Tony walked over to where Peter was trying to struggle out of Laufey's grip.

"Peter. Pete, you need to stop struggling or you're going to hurt yourself." Tony took Peter from Laufey, picking the boy up bridal style and hugging him to the iron man suit.

"No! No, no, n..." Peter's voice started wavering, and his eyes welled with tears.

"Pete, no, Loki's okay, they just need to fix him, okay? He's with doctors. They can't hurt him."

Peter clung onto Tony, sobbing slightly as the billionaire tried to reassure him that Loki would be physically well in the doctors' care.

"O..okay, ...Dad." Peter rested his head on Tony's metal suit, letting his body go limp as he started to fall into a stress-induced sleep.

Tony was shocked by Peter's words, hearing that name again made him feel a weird warm feeling in his heart.

It also made him want to be a better dad to Peter than the one he was given.



No, I didn't die!

Yes, school sucks.

Sorry it's a short chapter, but I'm already working on the next few!


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