School - Part 2

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Just want to clear some things up. Loki stutters when he is nervous or scared, but when he spoke in the last chapter he was irritated and bored. You'll find out why soon. :)

"Oh my god, Luke. You can't talk like that!" Peter said to Loki as they exited the classroom, feeling exasperated.

"But the teacher could see me! It's not my fault she's too lazy to look." Loki hissed at Peter.

"I have to say, the guy has logic." Wade Wilson came up next to Loki and joined in on their conversation.

"Of course you'd say that. Rebellious, bad boy, Wade Wilson. Anyways, I'll see you all at lunch. Bye losers." MJ walked off down a separate hallway to her next class.

"She likes us really." Ned joked, stopping at his locker to grab his bag. Peter pulled his bag out of his locker too, and Loki copied him.

"What class do you have next, Luke?" Wade leant against the locker next to Loki who merely shrugged.

"I've got history next. It sucks! I'd rather go hide in the library. Actually, that's what I'm going to do. Want to come?" Loki grinned at Wade, and nodded. Maybe school wasn't going to be bad after all.

"Loki, I think you have history next. I have science. Wade can you take him there?" Peter turned around to face the two boys, watching them interact for a second.

Wade nodded, and dragged Loki off down a long corridor. Peter turned back to Ned and they went to their lesson.

Wade and Loki snuck inside the library, avoiding the old librarian and several students who had a free period. Wade stopped at the end of the bookshelves, and beckoned for Loki to climb it.

"Come on, Luke. Its fun sitting above everyone else!" Loki grinned at Wade and climbed after him. The bookshelf wobbled a little bit but the two ignored it and sat on the top.

"Luke, look. There's a hole in the ceiling! We should try to get in there." Wade whispered, pointing at the ceiling. Loki looked up and saw the hole.

They would have to jump to another bookshelf to reach it, though.

"Good idea, Wade. Jump on three." Wade nodded, and waited for Loki's count.

"One, two, three!" The boys jumped, and hung onto the bookshelf. To their dismay, it started to sway... and fell over. It crashed against another bookshelf, which crashed on another... and another...

Wade and Loki scrambled off the fallen bookshelf and looked at each other, wide eyed.

"HEY!" They looked to their right and saw the librarian running up to them.

"Luke, RUN!" Wade ran to the fire exit door, and pushed it open. The teenagers ran out the building as the fire alarm went off. The door was rigged.

"Crap, crap, crap! We're going to be in so much trouble!" Wade screamed as they ran across the school field. They ran up to the school gates and crawled under them.

"Thank god they didn't fix the gap." Wade panted as they stood up on the other side of the school. Loki could see several teachers bringing students out of the school. Most of them had their phones out and were making calls.

"Luke, stop gawking. We have to run!" Wade grabbed Loki by the arm and dragged him off. They ran down an alley, and started to climb the building.

"If we hide on the roof, nobody will find us. Hopefully that librarian didn't see our faces!" Loki finally got his breath back and tried to think of a fool proof plan on how they were going to get back in the school. It was only his first day and he'd already managed to cause so much trouble.

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