School - Part 3

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"You two are in so much trouble."

Loki gulped. Tony Stark had found him and Wade sitting on the rooftop, and from the glare he was getting he wasn't happy about what happened.

"So, Loki, what do you have to say about the vandalism?"

Loki glanced at Wade quickly, then replied:

"It was an a-accident?"

"So all of the bookshelves falling over and the fire alarm going off was 'an accident'?"

Loki and Wade nodded. Tony sighed.

"Alright, well, there's four hours left at school so I'll drop you two over there. No more trouble, got it?"

The boys nodded, and that's what Tony did.

He literally dropped them onto the school field from five feet in the air and said:

"Have fun!"

Wade and Loki groaned as several teachers approached them, including Principal Morita.

"We're going to get detention, aren't we?" Wade whispered to Loki, who nodded.

Most of the school were staring at them as they were marched into the building, probably starting up rumours.

"Hey Luke, do you want to meet up tonight?" Wade asked Loki whilst they waited outside the principals office. Steve was currently in the office talking with Principal Morita. Tony had gone home.

"I'm pro-probably going to be grounded."

Wade chuckled. "Yeah, same with me, but I mean sneak out. Say... midnight?"

Loki nodded and smiled at Wade. He pulled a thin booklet off of a newspaper rack and showed it to Loki.

"Read this, they think spilling your life story out to someone will solve all your problems!" Wade pushed the booklet into Loki's hands, but none of it made any sense.

"Funny, right?" Wade grinned at Loki, who stared back blankly.

"I-I can't... read it." Loki bit his lip and stared down at his lap. Wade nodded.

"Dyslexia? Or do you wear glasses?" Loki looked confused.

"At my old school... my brother and I were given reading lessons. So, so many times they tried to get me to read. I just couldn't. Th- my brother didn't like reading, and I couldn't. The words and letters got all jumbled. They gave up after a while."

Wade smiled sympathetically.

"Tonight we can get more chimichangas. It's a full moon which is always good. We can sit on the rooftops!" Wade grinned at Loki, bright eyed and excited.

His smile was contagious, and Loki soon found his spirits lifted.


Wade and Loki trudged out of the principals office two hours later. Most of the classes had been let out for lunch, so there were many people loitering in the hallways. All were staring at the two boys.

"I can't remember where my locker is." Loki whispered to Wade.

"Yeah, the school is quite big." Loki shook his head.

"No, I just c-couldn't rea-read the num-number." Loki hoped that Wade didn't comment on his stutter. It was an embarrassing subject that he didn't want to talk about.

Wade nodded, and helped Loki find his locker. Afterwards, it was nearly the end of lunch so the two boys went to their art lesson early.

They took seats at the back row and waited for the rest of the class to file in.

Loki swung back on his chair as Wade took out a small black sketchbook. He took out several biro pens and pushed Loki's chair down.

"Want to see something cool?" Wade whispered to Loki, who nodded.

Wade opened the sketchbook and showed him pictures of Iron Man, Captain America, the rest of the Avengers and... Spider-Man.

"How did you draw these? These are so cool." Loki smiled at Wade.

"With a pen!" Wade shoved his pen in Loki's face. Loki gently pushed the pen down and shook his head.

"No, I mean these drawings are taken of the Avengers and Spider-Man in various situations that you normally wouldn't see them in."

"Let's just say I have a cool job." Wade smirked at Loki, who started to swing on his chair again.

~After school~

"So, midnight? I'll meet you on top of the Avengers tower." Loki nodded and walked out of the school with Wade. He could see Peter ahead of him, said goodbye to Wade and ran to catch up with the brown-haired boy.

"Hey, Peter!" Peter turned around to see Loki and smiled.

"Hey, trouble. How was the first day? Apart from vandalising the library and setting the fire alarm off and running from scho-"

Loki put his finger to Peter's mouth to shush him.

"It was good. Wade's pretty cool!" Peter smiled.

"I knew you'd like him, Loki!" Peter steered Loki across a busy road and towards the Ferrari 488 Pista Spider. Loki could see Tony sitting in the drivers seat, along with Pepper Potts.

The boys quickly slid into the car, and didn't say anything as Tony drove off. The four could feel the tension in the atmosphere.

"So. That went better than expected!" Tony said, looking back at Peter and Loki.

"What? You expected something worse?" Peter gawked.

"Mmhmm. Thought the school wouldn't be there when I came to pick you two up, so this is working out great."

Loki and Peter grinned. At least they weren't in trouble for Loki's misdeeds.

"So... cheeseburgers?" Tony inquired, looking at the teenagers again.

Both nodded enthusiastically, and Tony made a dramatic spin around towards the nearest Burger King.

Yay!! A two chapter update! 💕

I hope you enjoy! 📚

Love, MarvelFrog 🐸💕📚🌸

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