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Loki was currently slipping on a pair of jeans and another hoodie in the dark - it was quarter to twelve, he was going to be meeting Wade soon.

He pulled on a pair of black trainers and opened his bedroom window. Next to it was a wide ridge that went around the whole tower. Wade had told Loki to meet him on it.

Loki gingerly climbed out of the window and carefully walked along the ridge. He didn't fancy taking a 30 foot drop tonight.

Loki could see a lone figure in the distance, sitting on the edge of the ridge with their feet swinging off. Wade.

He quickly sped up the pace and sat down next to him.

"Hey, Luke." Wade looked at Loki, grinning. Loki was close enough to the teenager to make out what he was wearing.

He had a red and black suit, with... katanas attached to the back?

"What's with the... s-suit?" Loki questioned Wade nervously, unsure of the weapons he so casually had out on show.

"Oh yeah! Okay, don't freak out, but I have a secret alias!" Wade whispered to Loki excitedly, his chocolate brown eyes glinting in the moonlight.

"I'm Deadpool!" Wade whispered again, causing Loki to stare in shock.

"So you do the whole super-hero thing?" Loki asked.

"Yeah... you could put it that way." Wade grinned wryly. Loki nodded slowly, then returned the smile.

"Let's climb on top of the tower." The two boys pulled themselves up using a rusty iron ladder and panted heavily when they reached the highest point of the building.

"You can see the stars tonight." Loki whispered to Wade, looking up at the sky.


~Ten minutes later~

Loki and Wade were laying on the roof of the tower, staring up at the dark, moonlit sky.

Suddenly, a blinding light appeared in the distance, getting closer and closer.

Wade looked up and saw a strange black chopper making its way to the Avengers Tower. It didn't have a shield logo on it, and didn't look flashy like any of Tony Stark's.

"Luke... who's that?" Wade mumbled, pointing up at the loud vehicle.

"I-I don't know... it isn't Tony's though. I-I think we-we should depart no-now." Wade nodded, and smiled reassuringly at Loki.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow, Luke."Wade waved at Loki before jumping off the building. Loki waved back as the teenager left.

He heard voices, and turned around to see that the large helicopter had landed. Nearly two dozen people came flooding out of it, and were walking towards him.

They were familiar to Loki. These were the people who attacked the Avengers Tower nearly two weeks ago.

They were back.

It's a short chapter 🤭

That's because there is more action and excitement coming up soon!

I hope this chapter satisfied you! 💕

Love, MarvelFrog 🐸💚🌷✨

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