School - Part 1

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"Alright kiddos, remember that I'll be picking you up today because I don't trust you not to get into trouble."

Peter and Loki nodded - Tony was driving the two teenagers to school instead of Happy.

Loki was wearing a large black hoodie to cover up any remaining injuries on his top half and a pair of skinny jeans. He had a pair of black and white converse and was carrying a plain black backpack.

Peter was wearing a plain grey t-shirt with a science joke on it and jeans. He had a pair of Vans on and had a dark grey jacket tied around his waist. Peter was carrying his usual brown backpack - thankfully it hadn't been stolen yet.

Tony pulled the Zenvo ST1 up to the school gates, drawing attention from passing students.

"Is this the part where I play loud music and shout 'I love you'?" Tony turned around to face Peter and Loki.

"No! That's something dads do!" Peter looked mortified at the thought of having people watching him.

"That's why I want to do it!" Tony smirked at the teenagers and opened his door.

He walked around the car to open Peter's door, and the two teens climbed out of it holding their backpacks tightly.

Most of the school were staring now.

The Avengers had considered the school realising who Loki actually was, but once they saw the footage the public managed to get of Loki they didn't need to worry. The videos were all blurry and unfocused.

Loki followed Peter into the building, pulling his hood further over his head.

His black hair tumbled down over his face, which gave Loki some comfort knowing that his face was obscured from everyone else's view.

"Okay... here's your locker. Oh, and the boy running at us right now is Ned."

Loki nodded slowly, staying quiet.

"You put your bag in it."

Loki nodded but didn't move. Peter sighed and took his bag out of his hands and put it in the locker.

"Look who it is! Penis Parker and his gay boyfriend. Surprised you aren't wearing nail polish, loser!"

Peter ignored Flash's comments, but Loki whipped his head around and glared at the bully.

"If you don't shut up I will stab you." Loki snarled at Flash, and he walked away slowly, his little gang following him.

"Oh my god, you can't say that to people!" Peter hissed at Loki.

Loki just shrugged and leant against the locker.

"Peter! Is that L-"

Peter slapped his hand on Ned's mouth to stop him from talking.

"Yes, but you can't tell anyone!" Peter moved his hand off of Ned's mouth slowly.

Ned nodded and glanced at Loki, who was staring down at his shoes.

He looked up suddenly when the bell rang, and watched people start to rush into rooms. Loki turned to Peter and looked at him questionably.

"Come on, it's time for home room." Loki followed Peter and Bed into one of the classrooms, and the three walked to the back of the room.

They took the three remaining chairs, sitting behind Wade Wilson, Michelle Jones and Flash.

"Who's the new kid?" MJ turned around to face Peter and Ned, swinging on her chair.

"He's called Luke, and Mr Stark adopted him." Peter replied smoothly, going along with the story Tony had created.

"No way! You're Tony Stark's kid!" Wade had turned around, having heard their conversation.

"Quiet down at the back row!" The teacher snapped at the group. Flash sniggered at them.

Loki listened to the teacher reading out names, confused as to why people were saying 'here'. Surely the teacher could see them?

"Luke Stark?" Loki rolled his eyes. Stupid fake name.

"Say here, idiot!" Flash turned around and hissed at Loki: him being unfortunate enough to be behind the douchebag.

"No." The whole class, including Peter, turned around in the direction of Loki's voice.

Peter facepalmed, groaning internally. He probably should've explained to Loki what the register was.

"Excuse me?" The teacher glared at Loki.

"Well, you know I'm here. You can see me, can you not?"

"Detention, Mr Stark." Loki grinned at Peter, happy with his 'accomplishment'.

Peter put his head in his hands and groaned. It was going to be a long day.

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