"Hey, no one died!"

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"Okay, well, now that he's gone I'll arrange transport for us." Tony turned to the rest of the group, everyone looking tired and weary.

Everyone mumbled incoherently, not really caring how they got home, just wanting to go and sleep for a month.

"I'm hungry. Does anyone else fancy a cheeseburger right now?" Tony, who never seemed to stop talking due to all the caffeine in his questionable diet, didn't seem to get the hint that everyone was just about ready to drop on the floor. And sleep. Or die. Whatever came first.

"Tonyyy..." Clint whined, leaning against Natasha, who had been able to conceal her fatigue due to her Widow training.

"Okay, okay. Jarvis, call Pepper."

"Sir, I am ringing her now. A slight warning though, Director Fury has already spoken to her."

Tony cursed, running one of his hands through his hair.

"I'm going to be beaten, aren't I?"

"Yes, Sir. Your odds do not look very good at the moment."


Tony was interrupted by the exasperated sound of one Pepper Potts.

"Anthony Edward Stark! What the hell have you been doing?"

"Oh, hello Pep! You know, just uhm-"

"Tony, I'm coming in the private jet. Yes, the red and gold one that you insisted on making. Happy's coming with me, as well as Rhodey."

"No Wanda or Pietro? Or, I don't know, even Sam?" Tony asked.

"Tony, from what I've heard, the fight is over. And Wanda and Pietro are busy, so is Sam! You don't need help getting on the jet."

Pepper ended the call, leaving Tony with several amused stares looking his way.

"Okay, so, Peter-please-help-me-by-distracting-Pep-while-I-sneak-on-the-jet."

Tony looked back at Peter, who was propping up a wilted Loki by the waist.

"Sorry Mr Stark, I've got my hands full at the minute."

Tony groaned and looked up at the sky.

Pepper was going to kill him for everything that happened.

First with losing Loki, second with losing Peter, third with blowing up a HYDRA base and attracting the attention of SHIELD-

Best to stop now.

Almost ten minutes of awkward silence passed before the tell-tale sound of a large jet caused the heroes to look up at the sky.

They all let out sighs of relief the didn't realise they were holding in when they saw the familiar red and gold colours of Tony's private jet enter the territory.

As soon as the jet landed, Steve, Bucky, Clint, Natasha, Hulk, Thor, Laufey, Loki and Peter trudged silently to it, all feeling heavily fatigued and ready to drop dead on the floor.

Tony, on the other hand, was too full of caffeine to be tired, and was currently trying to sneak on the jet without being seen by one angry Pepper Potts.

"Tony Stark! You get your arse over here!"


"Language!" Bucky shouted over to Tony, causing an audible groan from Steve who pushed Bucky out of his arms.

"Come on, Buck, let it go!"

In the mission where the Avengers recruited the Maximoff twins, Steve's answer to some vulgar language from one of his teammates was a joke spread throughout the entire team.

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