Goodbye Jiang Uncle

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As time passed Jiang uncle has turned weak. I keep on visiting him. Yuan infact spends most of his time there taking care of his medicines and health. Even if he disapproved him initially as my partner, now he has developed more affinity towards him than me. As it is how can anyone dislike Yuan for long time? He is exactly how any parent would want his son to be.

I received a message from uncle today that he wants to meet everyone including Wu Xin in Yunmeng. Even if his anger towards Wu Xin has reduced, we try our best to maintain distance between them. I, Wu Xin and Nei Yanyi all left for Yunmeng.

On reaching there I saw even Wei uncle and Hanguang-Jun were also present. Yuan was near dogshed giving food to Princeling, Pretty and Jasmine.

We all went inside his room and he asked Wuxin to sit beside him.

Wu Xin looked at me and then walked towards uncle. I was clueless what uncle has to say to him.

Uncle held Wu Xin's hand in between his palm. We all were suprised by his gesture. "You know when Wen sect had attacked Yunmeng, my mother Madam Yu was the one who alone fought bravely with each and every Wen disciple who had attacked Yunmeng rescuing all her children from there until father reached to help her. She was very powerful cultivator well known for her spiritual powers" Placing his eyes on Zidian he continued "This is her memory with me. I haven't ever met any other women like her in my whole life. I always felt she disliked Wei Wuxian but I remember that day she asked Wuxian to protect us, to protect Shieje and me"

Uncle's eyes were filled with tears. Wei Wuxian stepped towards him but uncle gestured him to stop. "Wei dont interrupt me. Stay back."

"Today I understand why she did that. She hated him all his life but that day she urged to protect us. My body has grown weak. I only have Jin Ling. When I see you next to him, I see what I and Wei Wuxian could have been - two prides of Yunmeng. I am happy you never left him. He is all I have. There is no heir to Yunmeng. This soul never allowed any new person to enter in life. I sometimes feel father might have chosen Wei Wuxian as sect leader if he would have survived that day. He was always better than me in all terms. But, he never loathed any riches. I have seen Wei Wuxian in you. In these years, I have realised you will never backstab Jin Ling to become sect leader. I want you to always help him like you have been doing these years. He needs a family, be a loyal brother to him. Never break your promise and leave him. Take care of Yungmeng in his absence. I wish Wei Wuxian had never broken his promise. I am sor". Wu Xin stopped him from completing the sentence. He too was emotional. This would be the only time when they would have hugged each other.

Wei uncle couldn't control his tears anymore. He rushed towards Jiang uncle and gave him a tight hug.

Jiang Cheng - "What are you doing? Dare you dirty my clothes. I will call Pretty"

Hearing Pretty's name Wei Wuxian straightened his back. And, they both started laughing.

Currently, even I was very emotional. If Yuan wouldn't have been holding my hand I would have definitely turned into a crybaby again.

Jiang Cheng smiled at Hanguang-Jun and said "Thank You". No more words were needed between them.

He then turned towards me. "You are such a grown man. Stop crying and come here". He also gestured Yuan to come closer.

Looking at Yuan he said "I never thought you will ever make such a wise decision in your life by choosing Lan Sizhui as your cultivation partner".

He gave me his Zidian. I was always attracted to the powers of Zidian but that moment when he handed it to me I missed its view on his hands. I wished he always possessed it. I couldn't see anyone other than him as its owner.

We had huge feast that night. Uncle refrained from drinking Emperors smile and said instead he will like to have a bowl of lotus soup. To everyone suprise Wei Wuxian also accompanied him. So, all of us competed to see who can have maximum bowls of Lotus soup. It was uncle Wei who finally won. But Jiang uncle gave him a tough competition and was not ready to accept his defeat. "If this soup was made by Shieje then definitely I would have won the competition".

Wei  Wuxian - "If it was Shieje's I could have drank hundred bowls more and still I would have not been full".

Jiang Cheng - "I still couldn't believe you live on Gusu food".

Pulling himself closer to Hanguang-Jun he said, "Lan Zhan is an amazing cook".

Resting his palm on Yuan's arms uncle Jiang also praised Yuan. "My son in law cooks more delicious food".

Taking his tongue out uncle Wei, "But he is my son first".

Looking at Sizhui, uncle Jiang reverted "So, that is the reason why you have been torturing me from past one month with those tasteless medicinal soup"

All of us laughed at it. Looking at everyone's happy faces I realised how true are Yuan's words. "Life is beautiful when you let people in". With him even I  have started thinking like him. Even I felt like capturing the moment and treasure it. I shall surely request him to do this for me.

Next morning when I went to his room, he had left all of us, leaving behind the mortal realm.

Standing in front of his tomb I remember our days spent together.

When I was small I remember you scolded everyone just to make me happy, to make me stop cry
You loaded my room with toys, you yourself became toy just to make me smile

I was growing, sometimes I was annoying throwing tantrums
You were oblivious, you were learning to be my guardian

You were strict, You disciplined me
You were like medicines, bitter in taste
You scolded me for my unreasonable behavior

On my first night hunt I was scared when I was attacked
When ever I was in danger you appeared from no where as my savior

You stood as firm as mountain protecting me from all weird corpses
You followed me as my shadow safeguarding me from any upcoming hassels

You taught me to train Fairy into a spiritual dog
You cursed me so that I can become stronger than others surpassing all blocks

You were my first teacher who taught me to aim flying kites
Even if you were confident you always sent disguised disciples behind me as my bodyguards

I roamed Fearless not because there was no danger
I felt safe because I knew I have you.

Why were you like this hiding your feelings?
Everyone said you are Sect leader Jiang, Slayer of Yiling Patraich
I have seen you suggesting me building a kennel so Fairy can stay there when Wei uncle is here
I have seen you getting his room cleaned, getting all his favorite cuisines made so that whenever he is here he feels at home

Everyone saw me getting closer to uncle Wei, sleeping in his arms near banks of sea
No one saw your care, covering us with blanket in mid night

Why were you spiky like pineapple from outside pretending you are sour from inside
The one who got closer to you only knew how sweet you are from inside
You always kept on threatening me from Zidian
But in reality you made me recognizable to it as one of its confidant

Why did you push anyone who tried to get closer to you
Why were you like this, why dint you unmask your true self

Who will scold me henceforth
Why did you only kept on threatening me that you will break my legs

I yelled on top of my voice, "Uncle for once, please come back and break my legs. This young mistress cant live without you".

He dint respond. It was his end. He was gone forever. Everyone has to leave the world one day. It was just his day today.

When I looked around there was no one in the room except Yuan. All others had left. I pushed myself towards him hugging him tight reliving my pain crying out loud.

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