Entry at Guanyin Temple

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I wasted an entire day travelling from Yunmeng to Lanlingjin then to Yunping and later following Wei Wuxian and Hanguang-Jun.

Stomping my feet on ground I spoke inwardly, "The doors of temple are closed. What a waste!"

Turning around to find an inn I thought tomorrow I will again go back to place where I saw Wei Wuxian and Hanguang-Jun. Holding the leash of Fairy, I pulled her but she was persistently barking and digging the ground with her paws. Her behavior was quite unusual. Suspicious of her behavior I started banging the doors of the temple. Since, there is no response I was left with only option to climb the wall and check what's inside.

I looked down from top of the wall and saw numerous monks had pointed arrows at me. The temple was not empty. Inside there was Zewu-Jun, few monks and few Lanlingjin disciples. One of the disciple shot an arrow at me and I placed my hand at Suihua to block the attack. Before I could dodge, the arrow was stopped by something. It was Wei Wuxian. "Run Jin Ling, you brat".

Jumping down the wall I landed on my knees. Whistling at Fairy I started running until all monks following us faded away.

Bending on my knees, I instructed Fairy "Fairy run. Go get help from Jiang uncle".

I took Yuan's handkerchief from my pouch and placed it near my nose. It still had faint smell of Sandalwood, the smell of Yuan, my friend A Yuan. His memory, our fight, our discussion every thought gave me courage to go back and fight, to go back and find truth, to go back and clear all confusions, to go back and find peace.

Holding the handkerchief near Fairy's nose, I instructed her to sniff it. "This is of Lan Sizhui. He is also in Yunmeng. If you don't find uncle Jiang then search him and inform him we may need help".

Seeing us from afar the monks started aiming arrows at us. Turning towards Fairy I shouted "Run Fairy, good dog". Biting and pouncing on few monks she sprinted away. Tying my hands with Guqin string they started dragging me back towards Guanyin temple.

"Uncle Yao".

"Jin Ling, what are you doing here? ". He turned to monks "Where is the dog? As soon as you see her; kill her right away"

I wanted to hug him. I wanted to ask him Is he Okay. But, the words that spilled from his mouth left me speechless. "But Fairy was a gift from you"

Ignoring me Uncle turned towards Wei Wuxian "So, where is Hanguang-Jun?"

Wei Wuxian – "Why do you think I will be knowing. We both were in separate rooms acting separately"

All were surprised with his remark. Everyone of us had expected them to be together. Suddenly, the vision of Hanguang-Jun lifting tied hands of Wei Wuxian in front of all disciples flashed in front of my eyes. I thought inwardly "Is it because he is Wei Wuxian and not Mo Xuanyu? But some time back I saw them together on roof top plucking Jeejubes and holding Chickens in their hand." Lost in my thoughts I forgot to hear the conversation going ahead.

Coming back to reality I heard Zewu-Jun saying "After the massacre of Nightless City, Hanguang-Jun was the one who saved you and hid you from everyone. He fought with 33 senior Lan disciples to save your life against uncle for which he was punished later 33 whips for attacking 33 seniors. And now you say, you don't know.  You don't know he loves you. The way he sees you even a blind can say he loves you".

"33 whips". I have heard rumors how painful it is when the whip hits land on your body. It is similar to getting strike 33 times by Zidian.

As soon as the conversation got over, a white light of Bichen was seen glowing in sky. Hanguang-Jun landed inside the temple staring Wei Wuxian without blinking at once. Soon, I realized a thin string of guqin was wrapped around his neck whose both ends were held by uncle. There are churns in my stomach seeing the look at their faces. It was indeed true even a blind can judge their feeling towards each other.

Without any mercy uncle Yao said, "Hanguang-Jun as you can see the situation; I oblige you to lock your spiritual powers"

Jin Ling – "Huh". Without any hesitation Hanguang-Jun sealed all his spiritual powers. Days back when we were trapped inside demon cave in Burial mountain, all the cultivators were tensed for the fact that they were unable to use their spiritual powers. And now, Hanguang-Jun without any thought he himself sealed all his spiritual  powers.

Even with his life being under danger, Wei Wuxian looked only towards Hanguang-Jun impatiently. "Hanguang-Jun there is something I want to tell you"

Meng Yao – "Whatever it is tell later"

Wei Wuxian insisted that it is very important and urgent. Without sparring a second more he blurted "Lan Zhan, I love you. I want to spend my life with you every day and sleep with you every night". Hanguang-Jun's eyes melted in his confession and for me my mouth was opened wide. "How can anyone be so shameless to declare that he wants to sleep with other publicly? It is something that I could never tell to any girl in public."

A loud thunder flashed and lightning boomed from sky. All of us ascended inside Guanyin temple.

Jin Ling - This is my story!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora