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Sizhui, Wen Ning, Wei Wuxian and Hanguang-Jun were going to Qinghe to visit Cenopath built by Yuan and Wen Ning. I received letter from Wei Wuxian asking whether I and uncle Jiang would like to join them.

It wasn't an ordinary structure. After it was finished building it was praised by many.

I immediately went to uncle informing him about the letter. It was first time ever that I saw spark in uncle's eyes describing anything that is related to Wens. "It is worth visiting; built with so much perfection. The statue of Wen Qing that is placed on top looks exactly like her. Red robes, red jade pin in her hair it is exactly how she dressed. It is the smartness in her face that attracted which reflects in the statue as well".

"Uncle! When did you go to Qinghe? You never spoke about it".

"Why will I go to Qinghe? I said what I have heard from others. I have some work here. You can alone go with them".

The way he spoke wasnt like he heard from someone else. It appeared as if it is his own experience. I knew she is the one who transferred golden core. Maybe he holds gratitude towards her.

I was so excited to meet Yuan that I came directly to Gusu. It was 5am in the morning. As soon as the disciple informed, Hanguang-Jun came and greeted me.

I knocked Yuan's room but there was no response. Then, I went to Wu Xin's dormitory. Once, it has been my room too.

It was 9am. All had gathered in the training ground.

Wei Wuxian- "I heard you came at 5. Why? I always felt even birds dint wake up so early in Yunmeng or Lanlingjin".

"Its not like that. Everyone are not like you in Yunmeng".

It was indeed true no one woke up so early in any sect except Gusu.

Turning to Wen Ning, I asked "Isnt Lan Sizhui also coming with us?"

"Yes. Actually yesterday master Jingyi had fever. So master Sizhui is with him. He will join us soon".

As Wen Ning informed Sizhui came out of Jingyi's room.

I was too upset. Ignoring him I just turned to walk ahead.

Hanguang-Jun and Wei Wuxian were walking in front. I, Wen Ning and Sizhui were behind them.

Lan Sizhui - "Hey!"

Lan Sizhui - "What happened?"

Wen Ning - "Thank you master Jin Ling for coming with us".

Bowing down, I smiled to Wen Ning.

I knew Lan Sizhui was continuously staring at me. Even Wen Ning realised there is something wrong. Giving us space he walked ahead.

Lan Sizhui - "Are you okay? I missed you so much. But, why are you behaving like this?"

Jing Ling - "How is Jingyi?"

Lan Sizhui - "Better!"

Jing Ling - "Good! That means you no longer need to take care of him".

As I said I suddenly felt his hand on my waist and his fingers moving. He was tickling me. I dint expect him to react like this.

Jing Ling - "What are you doing?"

Lan Sizhui - "Bringing a smile on your face".

Taking a carriage we reached to Qishan where Cenopath was built.

At the entrance were planted small peony trees.

It was a huge place inside. In the center there was a huge Cenopath built. Atop was bronze statue of Wen Qing. Uncle was right. It was very beautiful and the one who carved it did an extraordinary job. There were small plants surrounding the statue.

Lan Sizhui - "All the plants sown here have medicinal properties".

Wei Wuxian - "Then why was Peony at entrance?"

Lan Sizhui - "Peonies are used to cure respiratory issues, treating Cough and Fever".

With raised eyebrows Wei Wuxian looked at Wen Ning. "Yes master. It is true".

Wei Wuxian turned at me and with a wink he said "I thought it had something to do with you".

Suddenly feeling jitters, I thought what was it and why did he say that?

There were two villagers watering plants.

Wei Wuxian - "Who are they?"

Lan Sizhui - "They are care takers".

Wei Wuxian - "Who pays them?"

Lan Sizhui - "Hanguang-Jun"

Wei Wuxian - "Why..." without completing his sentence he kissed Hanguang-Jun.

Unlike before I dont feel uncomfortable looking at them. Now, I just feel when will be that day when I dont have to look around or think while showing affection to Yuan.

Taking a tour of the place, I got to know there was another entrance to the place.

If we had entered from there then we would have seen another Cenopath which was built in center of small lotus pond.

Wen Ning - "This is built in memory of all Wens who re sacrificed themselves during second siege".

We Wuxian was emotional. Hanguang-Jun and Yuan's eyes were also red. Ghosts definitely dont cry. However it felt as if even he was sad.

After some time, all of us left from there. On our return I got to know Zewu-jun has decided to permanently live his life in seclusion away from all wordly affairs.

Sizhui asked to accompany him to Hanshi in the evening.

He held my hand at the door before entering and I retracted hesitantly.

"Rulan, if you want to hold my hand forever then dont leave it now".

Clasping our hands together we entered Hanshi. Zewu-jun welcomed with a smile and offered us to sit on a futon.

Offering us tea he spoke "So, I wont ask Sizhui" turning towards me he continued "Tell me Jin Ling, Did you like the way Cenopath is built".

"It is grandeur. Well thought while building. With all medicinal plants around it is a great way to honour Wen Qing who was considered to be best medical practitioner".

He smiled.

"How is Jiang Cheng and things in Lanlingjin?"

"Everything is good".

"I am happy for both of you. Yuan has been a very good boy throughout his life. He is very disciplined but at the same time very lively. He has his own dreams. I am happy he is not alone and there is another soul to take care of my baby. I am happy for both of you"

Lan Sizhui - "You knew?"

Zewu-jun - "I always did. I always know everything about you and Wangji. If Wangji is my heart then Sizhui you have always been the heartbeat".

Zewu-jun embraced both uf us and then we headed back to Suzhui's room.

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