Lan Sizhui - My friend

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At three in the morning everyone reached Yunmeng. At the lotus Pier gates I saw Lan Sizhui was still speaking with Wen Ning. Averting my gaze I moved inside towards lotus lake. Dangling my feet inside the water I preferred sitting away from everyone. All the sect leaders headed towards the Sword room. After some time Sizhui joined me. I wanted to apologize for pushing him back then at docks. But I just avoided another fight. We both sat there silently.

Sizhui "Do you want to talk?"

Jin Ling - "I want to run away."

Sizhui -"Can I accompany you? Can we run together?"

"What?" There was finally a smile on my face. Standing up I started moving towards forest and he just followed me.

Jin Ling - "Why are you following me? I am feeling quite miserable. I just feel like fighting."

Sizhui pointed his sword towards me.

Jing Ling "....."

Sizhui "If you feel like fighting then fight with me and let out all your anger"

It dint made any sense. Still, we both started fighting until my sword pierced his skin dripping blood from his legs. His white robes which he had cleaned with water again had spots of blood in it. I dint want to hurt him. I was never intending it. I tried lifting him but it was a bad idea. We both stumbled and fell on each other. We laughed at our stupidity. Steading myself I supported him placing my hand on his back. I made him sit on a rock. We both were silent.

Jin ling "I am sorry. I dint do intentionally"

Sizhui - "What lifting me up?"

Jin ling - "No ... no I mean hurting you. . I dint want to you hurt you when I had pushed you in docks nor did I want to hurt you now. About lifting, Hanguang-Jun lifts Mo Xuanyu, I mean Wei Wuxian so easily. I thought even I can do so"

Sizhui - "Maybe because he is Hanguang-Jun and he can do everything. All Lan sect people have high arm strength due to constant practice of headstand"

Jin ling - "Why will you do that?"

Sizhui - "Punishment"

"Are you okay now? If something is bothering you, you can tell me".

Holding him from his waist I helped him to sit on a ground stretching his legs straight. Lifting his robes and pants he started wiping the blood from his leg with his handkerchief. I helped him apply medicine which I had in my qiankun sleeves.

Squatting beside him without much thought I just spoke from my heart.

Jin Ling - "Everyone thinks I tried to kill Wei Wuxian. Indeed, I did. Was I wrong? He killed my family. Due to him thousands of people lost their lives. My uncle lives a life where he has doubted every other individual who practices demonic cultivation. He has lost trust in people. I wanted to kill him, I really wanted to but I don't want to hurt him. I don't want to even see his face but when we were trapped I wanted him to rescue me as always. I stepped forward not to hurt him but only to assure his wound is alright. I want to run away from him but I still look upon hearing him speak. I hate him and why shouldn't I hate him but still I like him. I know it sounds quite weird."

"I am so much confused and now Yao uncle. How can it be true? I have grown up seeing him around. He is chief cultivator and he deserves to be that. I have seen him handling sect affairs, taking correct decisions and being a good leader which people deserves. He is my ideal; he has always been my ideal. I looked upon to be like him in my future. All calm and composed, always pro, responsible"

Sizhui dint interrupt me at all when I spoke. I was feeling quite better and he even made me comfortable. But, now his silence is making me think how foolish I am. As if I spoke that loud he placed his palm on mine. He smiled looking at me.

Sizhui - "It is not weird. Whatever you did maybe any other person would have done same. What senior Wei did today sacrificing himself for others; it must have confused many cultivators. All hated him and all wanted to kill him. No one would have thought he would endanger himself to save them. I don't know exactly what happened in the past but even I like him too. Even, I found it difficult to leave him there amid corpses and move ahead"

"I was too small when Hanguang-Jun bought me to Lan sect. He used to put me between rabbits and let me play with them all day. He thought me to play tunes of Zither, he trained me in martial arts. I couldn't imagine what my life would have been if he wasn't there for me. I owe him everything, I owe him my life. If anyone would have accused Hanguang-Jun I don't know what I would have done. For me he is always right even when he went against everyone and supported Wei Wuxian. I can understand how you feel. I think you should try finding truth yourself. Whatever truth is but its revelation and acceptance is only thing that can give you peace".

His words acted as a balm to my pain. It shunned the noises inside me and finally I was in state of tranquillity.

Jin Ling - "Thank you"

Lan Sizhui - "Don't be thankful. What are friends for then? If you need any help let me know, I will always be there for you".

Friend, a word which I longed to hear all my life and finally I got one. My first friend; My first human friend.

We both sat there till we saw together bright skies turning in the shades of yellowish orange. Enjoying the scenery together I was finally feeling at peace. I looked at him, he was so tired, his clothes were torn and had traces of dirt still he looked so beautiful. Getting back to reality, I stood up and said it is late we should leave. Suddenly I felt my breath taken away when he suddenly touched my ass. I turned and he simply said I was dusting the mud from your clothes. Time stood still for me until I heard Jingyi "What are you two doing here? Sizhui, I was searching you all time during banquet. Come, you are lucky its still not over".

He steadied himself and left with Jingyi. I couldn't stop smiling when I heard him praise about my fighting skills with Jingyi. I don't know why but I picked his handkerchief which he forgot from the ground, I could have still returned it to him but instead I kept it safe inside my pouch. It was a plain white handkerchief with letter Y embroidered in one of its corner.

Jin Ling - This is my story!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt