Yi City

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We all moved together ahead. In order to avoid any further fights Lan Sizhui was walking beside me maintaining distance from others. Reaching a stone tablet all of us halted trying to guess the letters written on it. Even after straining our eyes too much we were unable to guess the word. 

Jingyi - "See, there is a hunter in the yard"

Moving towards him Lan Sizhui asked, "Sir, Where is this path leading?"

"Yi City. Boys, beware there is only coffins ahead"

As we started moving ahead the place was enveloped in fog. The more we walked towards the gates the fog grew denser. I felt someone clasping my hand. I was about to shout when I hear his whisper "Its me! Lan Yuan. Stay close". We walked holding each other's hand.

Reaching the gates we heard strange sounds as if something is being hit on floor. One of the disciples "It is bamboo pole sound. Someone is knocking bamboo pole on ground". Leaning closer Lan Sizhui whispered in my ears "I will be here. I will just fly and see if something could be seen from top". As he left my hand I held it back. This time my grip tightened in his hand. "Let's fly together and inspect the place". Holding our hands together we flew on our swords. We saw few shadows passing by. Due to thick fog nothing was clear. Looking into each other's eyes we decided to come down together.

Holding our hands we continued walking. We see a burning flame with blue rays of sword in the air. My grip tightened on Suihua, I am ready to overcome the next obstacle.

"The striking blue light in mid air was none other than the famous Bichen"

All of us shouted together "Bichen? Hanguang-Jun!"

Another voice came from other side "Jin Ling? Sizhui!"

It was his voice. It was him, Mo Xuanyu. "Why is it you again?"

Scared of being touched by him my grip tightened in Sizhui's hand. Thank god Sizhui dint retract or embarrassed me by shouting at once.

Sizhui - "Senior Mo, if you are here then is Hanguang-Jun also here?"

Jingyi - "Yes he is here. It was definitely Bichen's glare"

Wei Wuxian confirmed Hanguang-Jun's presence. Scared of being under silence spell again I pulled my hands off from the his most favorite disciple, Lan Sizhui. 

We all started speaking together informing about the events that happened on our way and how we all reached here to Hanguang-Jun and Mo Xuanyu. We hear again taps of bamboo pole knocking on floor. "If Fairy was here she would have followed the sound and led us to the person who was making this sound"

Jingyi retorted in anger "It was your Fairy's fault that Lill Apple is hurt"

To my irritation Mo Xuanyu added "Ah! My little apple is hurt. It was a gift from Hanguang-Jun"

"How could a donkey be more important than my dog. It was a gift from my uncle, chief cultivation leader Lianfang-jun"

"Don't you scare people showing your uncle's authority"

It was him not me who started scaring others showing authority. It was him who tried to show authority that too with a lie that the stupid donkey was gifted to him by the re-known sophisticated Hanguang-Jun. Unable to take his offense further I spoke for my Fairy "She is unlike your so called Lill Apple. She is a spiritual ...umm". Why am I not able to complete my sentence. Uff!Silence spell again. Suddenly I felt someone re-clasped my hand. It was Sizhui again who gestured keeping his fingers on his lips. Nodding my head all of us huddle closer.

Footsteps sounds are heard from all directions surrounding us. Mo Xuanyu was blowing mild tunes of whistles practicing forbidden techniques of dealing with corpses. Holding my hand Sizhui is moving closer towards the whistling sounds. The corpses are now so close that we can see them. With Bichen in his hand, Hanguang-Jun slashed all of them saving us. Suddenly few of the disciples started expectorating. Wei Wuxian examined each of us "Few of you are under corpse poisoning. Walking will cause the poison to spread faster inside the bodies. All who are stable carry your peers on back." I looked around if anyone wanted help but as I was alone from my sect nobody approached me. 

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