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This was my first birthday when there was no banquet. This was my first birthday without uncle Yao. This was my first birthday when I didn't meet uncle Jiang. He wanted me to enjoy the auspicious lantern lighting festival in Cloud Recess. It wasn't like lanterns were never before lit on my birthday. I remember lighting lanterns on my birthday holding hands of my grandmother. It was not only me whose face lit up seeing them in sky, even Rusong ignited lanterns with aunty Qin Su. All of them always made each and every birthday of mine special.

It is not like I dint enjoy it today. Yuan can never make me unhappy. He has changed the way I have been looking my life throughout. With him I am not only happy but I feel I am living each and every moment. He has changed me so much. I have finished packing and now I have to leave to fulfill my responsibilities. I shall be going first to Yunmeng and then tomorrow to Lanlingjin.  I know even if uncle Jiang dint say but in his isolated world he would be waiting to celebrate my birthday with him.

As I am about to leave there was a knock on door. It is Wu Xin. "Hanguang-Jun and Senior Wei wants to meet you". If it is Hanguang-Jun who has called then definitely it must be something important. Leaving all my bags in our dormitory, I and Wu Xin left . As I took turn towards Jingshi he said,  "No, they are not in Jingshi"

"Where are they then?"

"Just follow me"

We flew on swords and landed on top of the mountain. It was decorated with lights and flowers. Uncle Jiang was also there with Wei uncle, Hanguang-Jun and other disciples.

When I entered all of them shouted in unison. "Happy birthday Jing Ling!". I was suprised and overjoyed. I never expected this. We all chit chatted, uncle Jiang and Wei both drank Emperors smile. Few of the disciples were thinking why is Hanguang-Jun here?

Jing Ling - "When did you guys prepare this? How come I dint realize ?"

Wei Wuxian - "When Sizhui said he will be making lantern with you we gave him the task to keep you busy. Who knew you two will have fight? When you went back to your room after some time Wu Xin came to check you in your dormitory. But, he saw you going to Suzhui's room so our plan remained intact".

I looked at Yuan. "You knew?"

He simply answered with a smile.

Jingyi - "You are really a young mistress.  No one ever imagined that there will be a possibility of Yuan getting annoyed."

Jin Ling - "It is not like that. Wait, I will ask Suzhui in front of you."

I called, "Yuan! dint you enjoy the time when we were in your room?". Sizhui was startled. Keeping my hand on his shoulders I rephrased "Did you feel you made wrong decision choosing me as your partner?"

Jiang uncle called me and I had to excuse myself. Turning back I saw Yuan standing amid crowd blushing wondering what did I ask him in public. It is rarest of times when Yuan is speechless.

Late night with uncle I went back to Yunmeng. My eyes searched for the lantern which I and Yuan had ignited together. But, I was not able to locate them. They must have found their world away from everyone's prying eyes.

Jiang Cheng - "Is there anything you want as a gift on your birthday?"

I took uncle towards Fairy's kennel. She was expecting.

"The house is sufficient only for Fairy and her Prince. I want a bigger dogshed so all he babies can stay with her inside". She was free to roam wherever she wanted. Its only when Wei uncle visited she was made to stay inside her shed. I knew this is something which uncle will be happy to do. Immediately he smiled and agreed to my wishes. He promised to take care of her in my absence.

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