Life as Sect Leader

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Standing alone in a closed room, nothing was clear since it was filled with smoke. I am walking between the haze to find out where I am. Surrounded by the wild screeches and ghost howls with caution I took each step ahead. Holding Suihua the more I walked, the louder became the screams. I turned and looked around still I was unable to detect where I am. My leg hit something and I tumbled on ground. Taking support I stood up.

Ah! Its a coffin. I stumbled and my steps faltered.

Stepping backwards I saw a hand emerging out of the coffin lifting a body.

Uncle Yao's body.

Breaking the body into two, blood spilled all over covering my face and robes. With uncle's screams mixed with ghost howls my body trembled and I yelled opening my eyes


I am drenched in sweat. Donning my robes I went outside to find out everything was silent. It was early morning.

Taking bath, I changed my clothes and meditated to calm myself and gain spirituality. Aunty Yu came to help me with packing my bags for Lanlingjin. I thought of letting her know about my dream but somehow I felt being a sect leader now, uncle wont like me showing my weakness to others. So, diverting the topic I simply asked her, "What is a friend? And what friends do together?"

Aunty Yu - "Friendship is the most beautiful relationship. Things that you can't share with me, with your uncle you can share with your friend. He is someone who will understand you and will never underestimate you. Even if he teases you, annoys you, he cares for you the most. It is something which is not meant to be explained but to be lived. He will be your strength in weakness". It is true Yuan was my strength in the most weakening point if my life inside Guanyin temple. I knew besides him I cannot say to anyone else about my nightmare.

Later in the afternoon, I left for Lanlingjin. Uncle Jiang wanted to accompany me but I assured him if I faced any issues I shall surely reach out to him.

On my way to Lanlingjin, the carriage path was set open. This was supposed to be open only on banquets and discussion conference. I transpired what could have happened? I saw uncle Yao's mural shattered into pieces which stood next to my father. I could only remember the hatred he held against my father. "We were born on same day then why did he receive banquets on his birthday and I was thrown down the stairs. Why was he happy with his family and due to my father I had to live a life away from them. Dint I treat everyone with respect then why was I always looked down?" He was a reason why I have been orphan all my life but at the same time he was one of those who always made me feel protected. Was I ever deprived of anything? The answer was simple "No". He held banquets on my birthday. He was the one who gifted me Fairy. What he regretted all his life in the end even after becoming the respected Chief cultivator his last memories were thrown down in pieces where people stepped over him. As I was lost in my thoughts, one of the disciples came towards me. "Sect leader, this was done by few villagers nearby. As there were many we were not able to catch them. Shall get this clean immediately". Handing me Hensheng he said this was handed over by a disciple from Gusu clan last night. Nodding I asked him to keep the remnants of the mural inside uncle's room itself.

Taking his sword, I entered Fragnant palace which now seemed more haunted with most of its rooms empty. As I walked towards his room, my eyes went at the direction of Zixun uncle's room. These years I never bothered to even look at that direction. Today, I felt maybe it was here where it all started. Moving forward I passed through the painting of my grandfather placed in the corridor. I no longer held the same respect for him which I had before. Entering each room memories of flashback appeared in front of me. The first door I opened was of my grandparents. I am so small and my grandma is removing knots from my hair. Tying a ponytail she kisses my forehead before putting the vermilion mark. I am lost in my past. Coming out of that room, I enter next lane where Rusong's room is there. I hear his giggles filled in the room and aunty running behind him playing with him. She always made me feel is that how I would have been with my mother. Closing the door, I entered room next to Rusong's. It was uncle Yao and aunty Su's personal bed chamber. The bedsheet was still lying on the floor, books spread all over, clothes scattered on bed. It was as I left it before leaving for Guanyin temple. Kneeling down on ground, I picked everything placing them in their place as it was before. I couldn't stop tears escaping my eyes each time I placed any item in their right place. I couldn't stop picturing uncle reading those books, donning clothes sheathing his sword with smile on his face. With each tear that left my eyes, I could imagine him caressing my head with his hand. Fairy came in wagging her tail and I could only remember that she was a gift from him, a friend for lifetime. Without much thought I picked up his sword and walked towards the secret room. The last time we entered all possessions were safely kept there. The room is closed. I don't know how to open it. Was it ethical of me to barge into that room. To give him peace I didnot intrude into his personal space. I decided to get it broken only if there is a need in future. After uncle Yao's death I realised that somewhere he tried to fill the void that was created in my life after my parents left. It is only my mother's smile which I remembered but with him I cherished far more moments of life together.

Jin Ling - This is my story!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя