Fight with Jin Chan

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I resumed my training in Cloud Recess. Wu Xin's health has improved and even Sizhui's injury is healed. When Wu Xin shifted back to our room, I assured his speedy recovery. Yuan made frequent visits to our room as he was punished to be his caretaker. When Wu Xin wasn't in room I reminded Yuan of his promise, "You will let me do anything with you". He blushed and I suggested him to shift in our room. "To take Wu Xin's care I think you should shift in our room. I am ready to compromise by sharing my bed with you". After punching me on my chest, he whispered in my ears "I shall fulfill my promise on last day of our training, the day of Lantern festival". With a shy smile on his face he left the room.

After our training Jin Chan and his friends teased me

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After our training Jin Chan and his friends teased me. "So, what will you do now loser when sect leader was such a cheater?". I was enraged with his sudden remark and started a fight with him. Seeing me at losing end, Jingyi, Zizhen and Wu Xin all came at once to support me. Sizhui came in between trying his best to stop the fight. But, Jin Chan continued bullying me. "You son of no one. You are the reason for our future of the sect to be in danger". As he was not listening Sizhui lost his composure and knocked him down. We all were shocked to see Yuan like that. Finally Hanguang-Jun and Wei Wuxian had to come to stop the fight. Looking at us Wei Wuxian was smiling trying his best to control his laughter. Looking at Sizhui even I pursed my lips inwards to control the smile on my face. His disheveled hair and torn clothes were so unlike Sizhui.

The matter soon got escalated to Lan Qiren and we were punished with "50 strikes from discipline ruler to Lan Sizhui, Jin Ling and Jin Chan for initiating the ruckus. 30 strikes to others for accompanying them".

To make it worse Hanguang-jun added no one will meet each other for next two days. If any of us are seen together in campus their punishment strikes will be doubled. Wei Wuxian came near us. Standing in between me and Sizhui he whispered "All the best. Jing Ling, did you use the moves that I thought you last time? I am proud of you".

We all kneeled in front of ancestral hall. I shut my eyes with fear when the first strike landed on my back. Back then whenever I complained, Jiang uncle shouted on me for losing temper so easily. Uncle Yao also avoided fight. It was first time that some one fought for me, fought with me. We have seen him happy, we have seen him laughing, we have seen him composed, but this was the first time I have seen him getting angry. I love him but now I think I like him more when he is angry especially when he is angry on others for me. The feeling was so overwhelming that I dint realise I was getting hit by disciple ruler unless I heard a voice "Ah". It was his voice, Yuan's voice. I turned around and noticed him staring at me. His eyes were red and tears left from them. As soon he saw concern on my face he smiled assuring he is okay. The way he saw me I dont know but somehow I felt it was not for the pain but it was simply for me. I was in front and was not able to see him; maybe he kept staring at me all the time. Closing my eyes I whispered "I am sorry, I never intended to hurt you again". After 50 strikes the senior disciples left. Sizhui came walking towards me and asked "Are you okay?". That day I realised love is not showering flowers, praising the other or loathing them with precious jades. It is simply supporting and caring for another soul.

All of us shut ourselves inside our room scared of punishment getting doubled. In the evening I and Wu Xin applied medicine on each other's back. I thought Sizhui is alone and even he needs to treat his wounds. Gathering up all courage I sneaked out of my room and with caution I peeked into his room through his window. He was lying on bed and it was Zewu-jun who was applying medicine on his wounds. I left from there seeing him sleep on Zewu-jun's lap.

Whenever I have a nightmare, his memories turn them to sweet dreams
Even in his absence, he gives me courage

Whenever I am puzzled, he has my answers
If anyone is against me he turns savage

I am impatient, you are composed
I am pampered, you are disciplined
I am confused, you are sorted
I thought we both balance out each other
But Yuan, you suprise me
Your imperfections makes life more precious

- Jing Ling

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