"And what about yours?" he asked.

"Their doing well. Allot of us are enjoying the woods." I told him.

"I still don't understand why you choose to sleep out there. You know you all have homes ready to be filled in." he said.

The pack wanted to try something different from most packs. We all agreed since this wasn't gonna be our home we should sleep out in the woods. We have tents to sleep in and spend all day playing around in the woods. I thought everyone would hate sleeping out there since they have grown use to houses-I thought I would hate it after awhile. I mean, no TV!-but we like it. We don't live like Wild Rogues. We have tents, blankets, and allot of stuff you would see campers have. It's just we've been camping for the last seven months. We're happy, because we all have each other.

I shrugged, "We like it, Nate. You just making the forest privet for us is enough you can give us. Hopefully a few more months we'll be our of your hair."

"You sure only your boys know of the plan?" he asked, talking about Elijah, Gavin, Brayden, Will, Adan, Ian, and lastly Killian. "Be real dangerous if Alpha Lincoln finds out."

"Yes. I trust them." I said. "I should be heading back. Aeriela doesn't like being alone without for two long. She thinks the others are planning to somehow get her kicked out. Girl real paraniod."

"She always has her guard up. Wild Rogues are taught to always have them up." he said.


I bit down into the walnut shell and it broke open. I took the insides out and ate them. I had a bunch already but I was hungry and it kept me busy. I was near the river, hearing the whooshing sounds relaxed me even though I didn't know how to swim. They don't really teach us to swim in the wild.

"Her skin so dark." I heard a girl say to her friends a dozen feet away from me who were with the four other young ones around my age. "She must tan so easily. After all those years with the wild rogues. She'll look fifty when she's thirty" I have never heard of 'rogue' before I met Mat. It was so confusing why people were calling me that even those hundreds of years ago they use to be just like us.

"She has allot of freckles around her face." a boy said. "She's so weird, she always walking around bare foots. Her feet are so dirty."

I looked down at my dirty feet and frowned. I looked at my arms that were pretty dark-I was dark skinned, I had ivory color skin before but always being outside I get russet-and realized that most of the girls here had very light russet color skin. I didn't think having dark russet skin was bad-it isn't bad right? I touched my face that had these 'freckles' and noticed how most of the girl had clear skin. I wanted to fit in so badly-I just still don't know how.

"Hey shut up." I heard Ulric said and my back stiffen. "You just wish you could be as tan as her. And she just lived differently so stop it."

"Catching feelings, Arkwright?" a boy said teasingly.

"No. I just know when not to be an asshole." Ulric scoffed.

"Ulric, wait!" I heard a girl I think name is-Harley?-say. I saw them in the corner of my eyes the oppsite way the small group was and I turned my eyes to see Ulric stop. He turned to look at the young one. She had long corn like color hair and would catch allot of attention with her face I suppose. "We're still on for tonight in the river after dinner? I have my brother believing I'll be with Maine so no one should be bothering us."

Ulric shrugged, "Of course." He brought his finger up to her chin and grinned down at her, "Can't wait."

"Aeriela!" I heard my voice and I jumped. I turned to look at the group of young ones. A boy-Rascal I believe and two years older than me-said. Two girls and another boy was with him. He was holding onto the rope they had been tied to a near right next to the river and everyone would swing off of it. He waved at me from the rocks, "Come join!"

Call Of The Wild. Book ii.Where stories live. Discover now