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Hey everyone! So ........ y'all aren't ready. Like you might think you're ready ... but you're not. So, take a bathroom break. Grab some drinks and/or snacks and buckle yourselves in for one hell of a chapter. It ended up being a bit longer than usual, so I hope that's okay. We're finally at the home stretch! Thank y'all so much for everything you do, but enough of me. Let's get to the chapter. I hope you enjoy it! =^_^=

Song Recs:

come on come on - Almost Monday

Wonderstruck - Jane & The Boy

You Saved My Life - Ryan Calhoun

Also, in case you still want it, here is the link of the playlist I made based off this story: 



"So, let's walk through this one more time."

It's been a couple days since Taehyun, Beomgyu, Soobin, and Yeonjun had gathered in Soobin's room to discuss Yeonjun's memories the night he died. They've been meeting every night since to try and find any gaps in the story, but no matter how hard they tried, they weren't getting anywhere. It was now almost midnight, the boys back in Soobin's dorm as they went over everything one more time. Taehyun rubbed his eyes as he continued, leaning into Beomgyu for energy.

"Kai, Yeonjun, and I were at the bar at the same time you and Beomgyu were at the bar." Taehyun looked at Soobin who nodded, taking a sip of his coffee. "Yeonjun dropped his drink and went to the bartender to get another."

"It was the male bartender." Yeonjun piped in, looking at Soobin as if asking him to relay the detail.

"Yeonjun said it was the male bartender."

"Right. The male bartender. Sorry, I think he mentioned that last time too." Taehyun yawned as he rubbed his eyes once again. "So, he goes to the bartender and orders the drink. While he's there, you go up to order a water." Taehyun points at Soobin, the dark bags obvious under the younger's eyes.

"Yeah." Soobin nods in agreement. "And after I got my water, I tried to take out my anti-anxiety medication, but I thought it fell into the drink next to mine and panicked."

"Which was Yeonjun's, right?"

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure I saw the pill on the floor. I don't think it ever got in my drink."

Yeonjun laid his head on Soobin's lap, looking up at Soobin to relay the information. Even though Yeonjun could touch Soobin in the moment, Beomgyu and Taehyun still couldn't see him, something Soobin wanted to investigate later.

"Yeonjun's pretty sure the pill never got in his drink though. And I mean, if that was how he died, he'd be gone already. So, that's not what happened either which is honestly a relief." Soobin looked down at Yeonjun, smiling at how the man squished his cheek into his leg as he looked at the other two boys across from them.

"But then, you went back to your table where Beomgyu was the whole night, and Kai, Yeonjun, and I left later that night. Kai and I left in the opposite direction of Yeonjun and didn't see him for the rest of the night." Taehyun paused as he took a sip of his drink. "We're obviously missing something, but I have no idea what it is." Taehyun was obviously frustrated, Beomgyu holding his hand to try and calm him down.

More Than Meets the Eye || TXT (Yeonbin, Taegyu)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora