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Hey everyone! I'm back with another update. I've enjoyed all the music requests from last week! Hope you all enjoy this chapter! =^_^=


It's been a week since Yeonjun had moved into Soobin's room, both of them settling into a routine. Soobin was focusing on his classes, studying for the last of his exams and finals of the semester. When he went to classes during the day, he would be sure to leave the television on for Yeonjun to watch while he was gone. Although, since Yeonjun couldn't change the channel, he was stuck watching the same shows over and over again. So, sometimes he decided to rest on the couch and wait for Soobin to get back.

During the week, Soobin had went shopping for a couple of the items Yeonjun had wanted for his room. Soobin would have taken Yeonjun with him, but he was afraid the store was too far away for Yeonjun to join. He had been doing research throughout the week to find a way to get past this barrier, but his search was coming up empty.

A couple days ago, Soobin helped Yeonjun decorate the empty room, a couple posters now decorating the walls and new sheets on the bed. Even though this was all unnecessary, Yeonjun couldn't express how warm this made him feel. Ever since he died, he finally felt like he had a home again.

It was any other day, Soobin having left for classes hours ago. Yeonjun had been watching the television but decided to rest in his new room. He wiped his tired eyes and yawned, standing up to move in front of the bedroom door. While still wiping his eyes, he walked through the door.

Yeonjun still wasn't used to the fact that he could walk through objects, the action making him feel slightly unsettled. He knew that, by moving through objects, it only solidified the fact that he was dead. Yeonjun had mentioned leaving the bedroom door open so he wouldn't have to move through it, but Soobin insisted on giving the man his privacy, something Yeonjun was thankful for.

Once in his bedroom, he took a look around his room, smiling slightly as his eyes got heavier. He still wasn't sure how he could still feel certain things, like being tired, when he was dead, almost as if it was a curse placed on him. He threw those thoughts away as he looked towards the bed, the soft surface calling his name.

He slowly approached the bed, laying down softly as his eyes closed. He let the feeling of sleep wash over him, but he could feel something else, something that he hadn't felt in awhile.

I feel ... I feel peaceful. As if nothing could hurt me. I ... I feel safe.

Yeonjun took another deep breath, a small smile forming on his face as he sunk his body further into the sheets. Even though his body no longer held any more weight, it was almost as if he could feel the comfort that the sheets and blankets would typically provide. He could feel himself slipping, something pulling him towards sleep faster than usual.


Yeonjun was sitting at a table in the bar, the same one he was at the night he died. He felt dizzy, his head clouded as he tried to look around for clues as to why he was feeling this way. He looked around him, everything blurry and disoriented. He could tell the place was full of other people, but he couldn't make out their features.

When he looked down, he could see a glass full of what he assumed to be alcohol. Before he could inspect the glass any further, he heard a voice calling him. It sounded familiar, looking up to try and find the source of the voice.

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