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Hey everyone! Sorry I'm a bit late! Been working on an exam and lost time. I hope y'all are excited for this chapter. And by the title, I bet you can guess what this chapter is about. Hope you enjoy it!

Song recs:

Half a Heart - One Direction

More - Tyrone Wells


"Yeonjun? Yeonjun ... is that you?"

Yeonjun's whimpers stopped abruptly, looking up quickly to see Taehyun looking in his direction but slightly to the left. Yeonjun could tell that, based on where Taehyun was looking, the boy couldn't really see him. Even so, he slowly wiped his tears away from his eyes as he stood up.

"Yes. Yes, it's me! Hey!" Yeonjun waved his hands, knowing that the other couldn't see him but doing anything he could to try and get Taehyun's attention.

Taehyun was only left with silence, a slight breeze moving the trees and birds heard in the distance. He sighed in silence, hoping that he'd be given some sort of sign that Yeonjun was truly there. He began to lose hope, looking to his left and right but not seeing anyone. He could still feel something that he couldn't pinpoint, but he had no idea how to grasp onto the feeling, everything completely new to him.

At this point, Yeonjun had walked up to Taehyun, now only a couple feet away. He had continued to wave and talk, still not getting a response from the boy in front of him. He was doing his best not to cry, trying to stay strong even when he felt the world around him crumbling.

Taehyun was about to turn around when he felt a hand on his shoulder, quickly turning his head to see Beomgyu now standing next to him. Beomgyu squeezed his boyfriend's shoulder, smiling slightly before turning Taehyun to face him. He brought both of Taehyun's hands between them, holding them and swaying them as he felt Taehyun tense up slightly.

"You're wrong you know."

Taehyun's face fell, knowing that he must have looked absolutely crazy talking to his dead best friend in the middle of campus. He moved to pull his hands out of Beomgyu's grasp, but Beomgyu held onto them tightly.

"You didn't let me finish. You're wrong." Taehyun was still tense, looking down to the ground as he waited. "I don't think you're crazy."

The last sentence caused Taehyun to look up quickly. He saw Beomgyu looking out towards the grass where Taehyun was looking only moments ago. Taehyun couldn't help but smile, squeezing Beomgyu's hands once more. Beomgyu looked back towards his boyfriend, smiling before kissing his cheek.

"I'll always believe you. No matter what."

Taehyun kissed Beomgyu quickly on the lips, not staying too long. He knew that if he lingered, he may never let go. Taehyun couldn't bring his eyes away from Beomgyu, the other wrapping Taehyun into a hug.

Yeonjun was glad that Beomgyu was listening to Taehyun, but he still needed to figure out how to get them to help Soobin. He looked around him, trying to figure out if there was anything he could manipulate to get their attention. He took a couple steps back, trying to see if there was anything he could touch or move to get them to follow him. He kept taking steps backwards, doing his best to find something.

"Wait." Taehyun turned as he held onto one of Beomgyu's hands. He took a step forward before stopping again, pulling Beomgyu along with him. "The feeling ... it's getting further away." Taehyun looked back at Beomgyu before looking forwards again. "I think he wants me to follow him."

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