"I'm 19 turning 20 next week on the 17th and you are right I don't trust easily and I believe a person should always be cautious in life" I said looking down at my empty plate, to my surprise Rome moved my plate to the side and pushed his towards me "I know you are still very much hungry" he said I was about to protest but he added "You look like shit, even a blind person can tell that you haven't been eating" I guess he is right and the food looks appealing so why not, with that being said I finished another plate of fancy food.

"I would like to stay but duty calls" Rome said as he stood up from the kitchen island stool. "I will see you soon" he came around the kitchen island to my side and kissed my forehead, I just smiled I mean what could I say, don't disappear on me again, I just have to welcome loneliness again "Yeah see you soon" I forced a smile and I hoped it looked genuine.

Rome turned and headed to the door but he stopped abruptly and turned to face me "You know what give me your number just in case you know" he said but little did he know a cell phone is the last thing on my mind. "Actually I don't have a phone that is the problem" I said matter of factly "Oh, okay you hold on to my number for the moment I'll fix this problem soon" he said while pulling out a card from the pocket on the inside of his suit jacket.

The card is gold in color with texts written in black, on the card is his number and company name but what caught my eye is the company logo, a Phoenix with fire wings.

My mother said the Alinsky kingdom had a wolf symbol since it's creation in the 1600's because when the castle was being built there were many wolf attacks in the area. The symbol only changed after my Grandfather married Kali Maa, the new symbol being of a Phoenix with fire wings as per Kali Maa's wish.

But now my question is why Rome has a company with the royal symbol, I turned the card around but his name was nowhere on the card so I asked "Don't you put your name on your business cards?" he looked taken aback for a moment but he regained his composure quickly "These are personal cards I give out myself so there is no need to put my name on it when I'm the one giving it" he answered "I should really get going right now" he added and turned towards the door without another word.


It has been two days since my last encounter with Rome but unlike last time I am not depressed.

I am more curious with every passing second, the card that Rome gave me has been bothering me but what is bothering me most is, who is Rome? But where can I get the answer, I have considered calling the number on the card using the land-line at the apartment's building reception but what if I'm just being paranoid because the Alinsky kingdom is involved I mean Rome did tell me that he was born and raised in Alinsky so obviously he is a part of that kingdom and he just forgot to mention that he is one of the high ranking people or maybe he didn't mention it on purpose either to not make me feel bad and to try to be a normal person for once or because he has a motive and probably knows that I'm an Alinsky blood but whatever it is I have to be cautious around him from now on but how can I do that when I can't think straight around him.

I was so deep in my thoughts when I heard a knock at the door, it could be Rome so I did not take the knife this time, I made my way to the door and opened it without hesitation but then I regretted my decision and I froze.

A man in a black suit was standing in front of me, no let me rephrase that a huge man in a black suit is standing outside my apartment. To say I am scared would be an understatement.
Did they find me? Was Rome involved in all this? Is this how I die? Oh my goodness what should I do.

"Hello, do you need something?" I asked pretending to be unfazed by him if anything were to happen I will deny everything and I won't go down without a fight "Mr Rome sent me to give this to you" he said and held out a sky blue paper bag that I hadn't even noticed he was holding, I took the bag and he bowed his head then turned to leave, weird. I went back inside and made sure to close and lock the door, I'm taking no chances. I sat on the couch and looked inside the bag, there are two roses in the bag, a white and a red rose, they are attached to each other by a note so I took them out to read the note

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