Brontide Tidings | Jay x Nya (UNEDITED)

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I already have a few oneshots planned that I'm in the process of working on, but I figured since many of those are short stories and not character x character ones, I should slip in one of those first.  As always, please send in any oneshot requests you want me to write, provided you request it providing the information I ask for in the description of this book.  That being said, I hope you enjoy some Jaya material.  Here you go!

Type: character x character

Characters: Jay x Nya

Setting: Destiny's Bounty, post-Season 6

Prompt: Brontide- (n.) the low rumble of distant thunder



Nya shook herself, attempting to settle her nerves.  It had been like this all day- well, she corrected herself, all morning.  What time it was exactly, she had no way of truly telling.  Now that the Bounty had lost much of its power, most systems had shut down.  The storm, meanwhile, only worsened, and she could sense the ship's movement as air currents tugged it this way and that.  Now only reserve fuel kept it in the sky, and the panels that usually illuminated the ship were dark.

Nya grumbled as she worked, still on edge from the occasional sounds of approaching thunder that only built onto her uneasiness.  All of the others had gone their separate ways first thing in the morning to help some of the villages and cities prepare for the coming storm, leaving her in charge.  For once, she had been grateful not to have a hand in the current mission, but that quickly changed as the weariness and frustration set in.

If only I had Jay around to fix this.  Even Zane would be a help, but both of them are busy gathering supplies.  She straightened up from the panel that was now pulled open and surveyed the wires.  The building electricity in the air had apparently caused the ship's power to shut down, permanently damaging some of the wires and more intricate workings in the process.  

Reaching towards the wires, she flinched yet again as a distant grumbling sounded.  Now she was sure of it, the thunder was definitely getting closer.  And that only left her so much time to fix it before she was really in trouble.  

"Ooooh, what is wrong with this ship!"  She stormed away from her work, fuming.  "It's like every little thing I do gets undone, or just plain messed up!"

Although the storm and her precarious work certainly did not do anything for her mood, they were not the only factors that left the twisting feeling in her stomach.  Before the storm had even begun, the morning began when she awoke from a dream she remembered.  One that she would much rather forget.  In it, voices called her by a name that was not her own and she struggled to escape, to find any possible way back to her friends.

Even Kai, not one prone to worry by any means, seemed concerned for her when she awoke.  Despite her reassurances, the rest of the ninja continued to try to find more answers about what kind of nightmare was so horrible as to make the water ninja wake up with tears streaming down her face.  Unfortunately for them, Master Wu had been quick to remind them that there was work to be done that morning, so it wasn't long before the crew went their separate ways.

Not that she was particularly eager to discuss her dream, but Nya felt some sense of relief knowing that there was at least someone who would understand far more than the others.  I didn't want to worry him, although I think he's worried anyways even just because of the nightmare.

Despite her enormous frustration, she smiled, shaking her head the slightest bit.  As frustrating as her friends could be, it was still quite endearing that they all cared so much.  It would make her feel much better to at least have them there, whether they continued to nag and fuss over her or not.

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