The Omelette Omelette Order (UNEDITED)

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Welcome, one and all!  I hope you all enjoyed the last oneshot, and all the shenanigans that Movie!verse Lloyd and Grmadon bring.  Now, here is a little more for those of you who enjoyed the last oneshot: a sequel.

Type: short story

Characters: Lloyd, Garmadon

Setting: Movie!verse, Ninjago City, some generic breakfast restaurant, takes place shortly after the last oneshot "The Choice is Yours"


"How many people wait to eat breakfast at four-o-clock?  I mean, this place doesn't even serve lunch or dinner foods, and it closes within an hour."

Garmadon shrugged.  "It must be more popular than Omakase." 

"That's not what it's called," Lloyd reminded him, a frown creasing his face.

A few days previously, the two of them had enjoyed a very fine meal at an omakase restaurant, in which they were offered a huge variety of sushi.  For a place that did not see as many customers as it once did, it had served as the perfect location for some father-son bonding.  Especially since the father and son in question were, respectively, the evil four-armed overlord once bent on conquering Ninjago City and the chosen green savior who had previously been shunned while his identity remained secret.

"Well, they should make the actual name of the place a lot more obvious.  It was as great a place as always, but they could really use some pizazz."  One of his four arms tapped his chin thoughtfully.  "I used to know someone who ran a restaurant establishment.  He had a pension for theatrics."

"Well, sorry to break it to you, but I don't think this place is going to win first for theatrics, either,"  Lloyd pointed out.  "I just didn't realize it was so popular..."

The reason behind his nervousness and hesitation was clear to Garmadon, but the two of them obviously had different ideas on how such situations should be handled.  His was to simply shrug off the busy activity of others around them, including the inevitable stares.  

"Well, it was your idea to come here in the first place," he reminded his son.

That much was certainly true.  Lloyd had been hoping to choose someplace to take Garmadon, after their outing to the sushi restaurant that Garmadon had insisted on.  Unfortunately, the former-evil-overlord had acted unimpressed with each establishment and each dish suggested by Lloyd.  Until he heard the word "omelette," that is.


The two of them were abruptly interrupted from their discussion as a waitress busted over to take their order.  Her long brown hair was swirled around into a messy bun atop her head, and a too-large pair of glasses spanned her face.

"Now, what can I get you gentlemen today?"

At the word "gentlemen," Lloyd choked on air and Garmadon was quite obviously fighting back laughter.  Desperately collecting himself, Lloyd ordered a chocolate shake and pancakes for himself, along with a fried egg and a side of fruit.  His father's order was simpler: "An omelette."

The woman taking their order paused, biting the end of the pen she had been writing with.

That certainly doesn't look very tasty, Garmadon mused.

Now pushing her wire-rimmed glasses up with the pen, she turned to clarify his order.  "Just.. an omelette?"

"That will be all, please."  He looked quite pleased with himself.

She stared at him.  Apparently his lack of clarification or details in an order was far more distracting than.  Clearing her throat expectantly, she prompted him, "What kind of omelette do you want?"

"What kinds are there?"

At this question, the waitress relaxed more, moving the pen back into chewing position as she rattled off the ingredients that an omelette could consist of.

She really needs to stop doing that.  I can imagine eating a lot of strange things, but plastic isn't one of them.

Half listening, half watching her continue to bite the end of the pen, he held up a hand to stop her when she reached a suitable sounding option.

"Are you sure?"  Her voice was finally laced with the slightest bit of curiosity, as Lloyd noted to himself, despite her showing very little reaction in general to Garmadon's presence.  "I mean, that ultra-epic-spicy-awesome-omelette does have its name for a reason."

At a nod from her customer she hurried off.

Lloyd raised an eyebrow, shifting in his booth.  "What was that?"

"What was what?"

"You.  Her.  All of it," he spoke slowly.

Garmadon imitated his raised eyebrow, bringing his own eyebrow to a far more exaggerated curve.  "You'll have to be more specific."

"First of all, the number one rule rule about spicy food is to order it less spicy than you think you  can handle.  That way its manageable, and not so spicy it makes you feel sick.  Second of all, can you try to be a little more polite and clear when you order?"  Garmadon opened his mouth in protest, but Lloyd held up a hand to silence him.  "And finally, what is with her?  She keeps on behaving so strangely."

At this, Garmadon nodded emphatically.  "I know, right?  She can't seem to leave that pen alone."  He shuddered.  "I'd call that a bit of a problem."

Lloyd stared at him in disbelief.  "Seriously?  That was what you noticed about her?  A bad habit?"

"Why?  Was there something else all that noticeable about her?"

In spite of himself, Lloyd found that he had to fight back a smile.  "Not really, other than she barely reacted to... us."

This time, the meaning was clear and Garmadon stared down at the table.  The two waited in silence, Lloyd still awaiting some form of a response.  

"Maybe some people are able to look past it.  Just as we're trying to."  That second part was added with a meaningful glance towards his son, who nodded in understanding.

I never see him this serious.  And to think he changed from goofing around earlier, to apparently actually listening to what I said.  Well, at least it's an improvement.

"Still, Luh-loyd, even you have to admit the thing with the pen was strange.  I mean, really, was it that entertaining?  It couldn't have been tasty."  He rambled on about the woman's mannerisms, occasionally alluding to what Lloyd had pointed out, but in a lighthearted way.

"Ha.  Yeah, you're right.  The pen thing has got to be the strangest part after all."  And then, despite his father mispronouncing his name again, and his fears of being in public with his identity uncovered, he found he could really smile.  And perhaps laugh a little at his father's antics.

"Sir?  Your omelette's ready now.  I hope you enjoy it."  Then, after finishing her usual monotone-style announcement, she had disappeared once more, not without the recurring action of nibbling the pen as she spoke.  Lloyd's food, meanwhile, had already been delivered.  But before either of them could dig in, Lloyd met Garmadon's eyes, unable to resist saying what he knew must be on both of their minds.

"Better make sure you enjoy it even more than she enjoys chewing on that pen."

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