13: Hangovers are the worst, but remembering is worse

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Unconsciously, her hands wandered a very flat yet soft surface.
Opening an eye, she was greeted by white sheets. Now fully awake, Rushia pushed her body up, scanning the area

"My room... How did i get here?" On further search, she noticed a body in front of her open door.
On the floor laid Marine's unconscious body, her face facing the cold concrete.

She got up from the sheets then approached the body, swiftly, she managed to wrap one of Marine's arm around her shoulders.
Her free arm then slithered around the red-haired's waist, carefully she pulled both of them up.

Taking decisive steps backwards, she dragged Marine to her bed. "You seriously brought me back but couldn't manage to put yourself to bed.. What a pain."
Her head ached but she was far from feeling the need nor want to sleep.

With weak steps, she forced herself to the bathroom. She could've gotten actual drinking water but the faucet water worked, while she was at it, she splashed some at her face then locked eyes with her reflection, trying to pull up something from the black hole that was her memory.

"Partying... Drinking.. Coming out of a closet... Getting an attack from Pekora?.... Yeah. I was invited to play beer pong with someone..... And it just gets blurry from there..."

There was something but it slipped away. The next thing was waking up.
Sighing a little, she went back to her room to check the time. "Two pm.. Great!..." She frowned to herself.

The cold water helped a little but some aspirin or something would definitely do her some good.
Though coffee sounds good- out of nowhere, something rang and it definitely was a phone.

Now on the search of said ringing phone, her eyes wandered every corner of the room to find the device laying still on the nightstand.
With one swing of an arm and a quick tap along with it, the call started.

"Ah- Rushia! You finally answered.. Well, did you guys made it back?" At the other end greeted Flare.
"Uh.. Yeah." Her eyes trailed to the passed out Marine.
"That's good, is Marine up?" Flare hummed quietly, signing good mood.

"No..." Rushia kept her eyes on the red-haired, trailing every curve of the seemingly soft cared skin.
She was eager to have those hands that would always drag her back in her touch, caressing her face gently.

But all that could only be a dream of hers as she swore she'll never experience it, doubting her own hope.
Amidst of thoughts, a voice cut her off. "Oh, well do you perhaps want to drink coffee? I just bought extra so i thought maybe you could have some."

As if her thoughts were read out, Flare offered. Of course Rushia couldn't let it pass. "Yeah, sure. Just thought of heading out anyway so i could come by" "Great!" Flare sounded much more energetic than usual, Rushia admits that it was quite adorable yet still uncommon.

Hanging up, she went on yet another search, her eyes went around, but it is not a device she looked for, but a scarf to warm her up as she was about to face the cold outside.
On the closet's handle hanged the scarf she searched for.

"I swear it wasn't there just now-" In time, her body froze, feeling lightheaded. The awful ache reappeared in the back of her head.
Struggling to move her body, her hand took the fabric then carefully wrapped it around her neck.

She stride towards the door, only turning around to take one quick glance at the peacefully sleeping girl on her bed. Her chest rose then fall as many times, turning her face away from Rushia with weak force, an arm covering her already closed eyes.

"Sleep well.."

Taking her step out, the door closed behind her. The room outside was barely paid attention with, she just got out of the dorm as casual as she would lock herself up in her room.

The halls was as dull as it had been since the moment leaves dried up for the fall season.
Few faces passed by, most busy with their own company, some on their own device while few were silently walking with nothing but a straight face.

Rushia fell in the last category, feeling too ill to show reaction when she almost bumped onto someone.
She circled around the male, apologizing flatly before continuing on.

An "It's alright" could be heard from behind her, but it soon faded as she continued forward with a seemingly endless dark path.
Not long after, she found herself about to turn to face Flare's dorm when it suddenly flew open, revealing the blonde. "Oh-"

The aroma of the coffee in her hand lingered around Rushia's nose.
"Um, here. No need to thank me." She handed the hot drink, though she was told not to, Rushia murmured a "Thank you..." The hot temperature on her tongue spreading across her face.

The warm feeling didn't leave her, even out in the open with dry leaves showering her head by strong wind.
She silently sat on one of the benches near the local lake. Eyeing her reflection on the open cup filled with caffeined drink.

"What was it that happened afterwards?" Rushia spent most of her time sitting there, searching deep to the black hole and trying to pull the last event of last night, with nothing to look at but her drink.

Sighing, a subtle cold smoke slipped out of her mouth. Raising her hand, she took a sip of the hot drink.
"Slowly... The girl's gonna be the death of me..." She murdered to herself, brows furrowed at the imaginary image in front of her.

"Whatcha doing?" Out of nowhere, Shion popped up beside her, mouth an inch close to Rushia's ears, earning a yelp from the latter.
Rushia quickly secured the cup in her hand with the other, trying hard to prevent it from spilling due to the sudden movement.

Turning her head to Shion, her nose brushed on the other's cheek.
Both getting a slight shiver travel their body as they flush to a vibrant red.
A small response to this, Rushia slightly pulled her head back, adding some distance between them.

"Isn't it a bit late for coffee?" Shion eyed Rushia's cup, its smell making its way to invade Shion's nose.
"Oh- I actually just woke up..." Rushia chuckled nervously, scratching the back of her head with her free hand.

Soon Rushia noticed Shion's staring to the cup, she scooted herself over a little to give space for Shion on the bench then raised the cup, offering, "Want some?" Shion was caught off-guard but did took a small sip.

It was up to her taste, still a bit sweeter to her liking but she wasn't one to complain, not when she was only offered to take a quick taste.
Now given the space, Shion sat next to Rushia.

They weren't much to talk before but lately they had fair share of communication, mainly cause of workload. But their own park episode gave contribution to their relationship.

They sat with small chatters, maximizing all they could learn from each other by words 'till Shion had to leave due to an emergency with her own roommate and Rushia finally feeling like going back.

Half of the way back to campus, she felt the ache once again.
Taking a short break, she watched as a group of jays flew pass.
Now back up on her feet, she took an eight minute walk back to campus.

Opening the door to her dorm, silence greeted her. It felt comforting and a little bit melancholic but Rushia did liked it better. Not taking the time to look around a little, she went straight to her room to be greeted with Marine still laying down on the bed, back faced at Rushia.

With light steps, Rushia approached the sleeping beauty. Body curled up with strands of hair over her face.
Sitting next to Marine, she brushed the strands off. A small smile forming on her face, sweetness of honey laced on it.

I love you, dammit

It was just now that it finally decided to hit her. Quivering, her hand raised in front of her agape mouth.
The color red painting all over her face and body.

Butterflies [Marine x Rushia]Where stories live. Discover now