4: To the mall!

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Stepping out of the bathroom and making way back to her room was no problem but that also leaves her on search for clothes. For a little while of hunt, she ended up taking out a white blouse with flowers printed on it and a black skirt, of course some underwear.

After a hustle of getting into something, she went to her nightstand to find a familiar box on one of its drawers. While putting on the laced skull choker, her eyes went on to wander around the room, in search for a device.

By the time she had the piece on, her eyes laid still on a certain shelf.
Rushia neared said shelf to get the phone from on top but ended in slight trouble which made her question, how did it even got there in the first place?

Now finally fully clothed and with her phone stuffed in her bag, she exited her own space of the dorm.
Rushia was greeted by Marine aimlessly browsing on YouTube at the couch with a foot rested on the coffee table, she wasn't honestly sure if it caused the knot in her chest to grow tighter or perhaps loosen.

While Marine was too busy by herself, Rushia took it to observe her clothing.
The red-haired wore a black zip-up hoodie with what seemed to be a white t-shirt under, the same color for her short shorts. A cap with an anchor printed on it rested on her head.

Her hair was also let down perfectly, surprisingly enough, Marine actually took on the small girl's suggestion on exposing both eyes. It wasn't long before Marine took notice of Rushia's presence.

Getting up while closing her phone, Marine examined Rushia's figure, leaving her stunned for a short while.
With sudden energy, her arms swiftly lift up to a thumbs up. "You look cute today!" "Really?" Rushia subconsciously started playing with a strand left from her buns.

The red-haired nodded with a hum, a smirk on her face. "It's not like the usual Rushia isn't cute, you're just extremely super duper cute today."
Rushia honestly felt more embarrassed with Marine more than her mother. "Thank you, you look good too."

It wasn't hard to notice the sudden light in Marine's face. With an arm out as if she was trying to be a gentleman about to take a fine lady out to a ball, Marine raised an eyebrow. "Shall we?"

Rushia quickly nodded, nearing Marine and over. The red-haired followed along with keys in hand, ready to close the door shut once finally out.

Both Marine and Rushia had made it to their train with the smaller girl's head resting on Marine's shoulder.
The latter did returned the favor, leaning her head against Rushia.
While the train ride was rather peaceful, Rushia couldn't help but feel her eyes were about to drop any second now.

With the little consciousness she gathered from waking up early, her mind took notice of the glances and stares that were thrown at them, though neither of them didn't seem to be bothered at all.

Rushia shifted in her position, wrapping her arms around Marine. The latter then moved her unoccupied arm around Rushia, landing it on her shoulder.
They both stayed still 'till the train stops closest to the mall.

Along with the people, they departed the train. For a while, they walked around aimlessly 'till they reached their destination. Both stood still in front of the huge building.
Sparkles dotted around in Rushia's eyes while a small smile crept up Marine's face.

Both entered the building to stare in awe. Their visions wrapped around bright lights and colorful stores. You could spot clothing, technology, accessory, gifts, furniture stores and many more, of course you can't forget about the food courts.

Marine turned to face Rushia, curious on where the other wants to go first.
With a point of declaration, Rushia set on a destination. "Let's go there first!" Her finger pointed on a nearby clothing store. Marine nodded, a grin on her face as she let Rushia drag her around.

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