9: Hero of the lavender

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The look in her eyes told Rushia she was in need of someone to take her away. Hesitant at first, Rushia walked towards Shion and the shady guy who seemed like he was inviting her somewhere.

"Ah- Shion! Sorry for being late!" She casually ran over the two, waving a hand in the air as if they were supposed to see each.
Rushia prayed the white-haired took the hint.

Her glistening eyes shone brighter with little more hope. "Ah Rushia, you're here! What took you so long?" The white-haired leaned closer to the other girl, away from the guy. "Sorry, got into some trouble." Rushia added, scratching the back of her head.

Rushia eyed the guy, stare cold as ice. "Who's he?" Emerald eyes widened, panic behind it.
Shion clung tighter to Rushia's arm. "I don't know." Her eyes narrowed with the shaking voice.

The guy was neatly suited black, though the scar on his left cheek ruined the gentleman vibes he had.
Well, if you'll consider the intimidating facade on his face gentle.

He was surely trying to get the girls weak. "Ohoho, aren't you a cutie? Please, join us." His voice made him sound like he was just on drugs.

"Thank you for the offer but me and my friend really need to go now." Rushia took a step backwards, pulling Shion behind her.

"Oh, c'mon now-" He tried to reach out a hand and grab Rushia.
In response, she stepped further, pulling out a phone. "I'll have to call the police if needed to, sir." Venom laced her usual soft honey tone.

The guy furrowed his brows with frustration in his eyes.
The girls walked back to the bench, so did he to the opposite direction.
Rushia noticed the absence of the guy on where they were, releasing a sigh.

Shion relaxed more on her arm. "Thank you.." She murmured, eyes away from her savior.
It was just now that Rushia noticed how intrusive what she did was, though it really was needed.

"It's no problem." Both sat down, a distance between them.
Sound of footsteps in a rapid pace slowly neared them from behind.
Out of nowhere, a pink-haired girl grabbed on tight from behind Shion.

"I'M SORRY I COULDN'T HELP! I WAS ALSO SCARED!" Her voice trembled loudly, tears of guilt threaten to pour down her face.
Shion almost fell on her seat from the sudden tackle, she was also on the verge of tears.

Rushia recognized the girl's face, it was one of the girl she always saw with Marine, so with Shion.
"UWAAHHH! I WAS SO SCARED TOO!" Both cried on each others' arms, both also patting each others' back.

"They seem close."

TW // Following scenario contains panic attack (Don't worry i didn't made them suffer badly)

The weather was beautiful but all of a sudden, darken clouds took over the skies, rain drop starts to pour.
The call between them was louder, with heavy rain and thunder roaring in the background.

"Shion and Aqua.. The girls you usually go with at your last period..."

Subtle sounds of scribbles could be heard from the other side. "What about them?" "I had an encounter with them earlier." Rushia's mind went back when they had little talks afterwards.

Throughout, Rushia got a little more impression from the girl she was classmates with.
So did she from the other. Aqua was very timid towards Rushia but was more wild with Shion, one thing she took note of.

"I befriended them." Her voice was softer, a hint of embarrassment in it. "Oh? Is the butterfly learning how to spread it's wings?" Marine chuckled, a habit of teasing the other.

Rushia was about to spit a comeback when Marine suddenly yelped.
The silence between them became undying. "Marine? Are you there?" Rushia tried to reach out but none from the other end responded.

Her parted lips were going to speak up words until a quiet voice did first. "Y-yes.." They may be miles away but Rushia could tell the other was quivering. "What happened?"

"Just h-had a... sudden elec-tri..city blackout..." Her voice was shaky and low but still audible for Rushia to hear, the thin line on her face bent lower into a frown.

Rushia would always make fun of Marine the first nights she noticed she couldn't sleep without the lights on, but as dark goes on, she realized that it was one of the things that triggers Marine's panic attacks.

Taking a deep breath, she asked. "Are the lights back on?"
It was silent enough for her to hear the rapid breathing from the other end. "Definitely a no."

"Hey, hey, listen. Marine, do a breathe in and count to five with me. One.. two.. three.. four.. five.." A deep inhale was heard. "Now out: one, two, three, four, five..." An exhale was out.

Marine slowly stopped hyperventilating, her heart rate gradually slowing down.
Rushia relaxed when it subsided.
"Sorry..." Mumbled the other end.

Rushia felt bad for the other, being alone with her sister out. "Is there any candles there?" Any light source would probably ease Marine's nerves.
"I think there's some at the kitchen, i'll be back."

Rushia kept herself patient, though refraining from getting worried was not a choice.
Amidst of silence, an absurd scratch of igniter lit a match close to the device. It's flame lowly whispered.

A sign of presence from Marine.
Few more moments of silence filled the air in each side until Marine spoke up. "The room's lit up now."
Rushia's shoulder sagged, worry decreased.

A weak knock on Rushia's door, barely audible with the rain at the background, was caught. "Hold on."
She heavily got up from the bed, feeling too attached and not wanting to leave it.

Opening the door, she was met by her mother, a nicely decorated letter in hand. "I letter for you, the name of the sender wasn't given though." Her mother reached out the letter, eyeing it with narrowed eyes, a hand slowly took it from her mother's.

Soon, she was left alone. Rushia sat back down on the bed then stared intensely at the green envelope with flower and skull stickers.
She didn't want to open it, well- not ruin it but its opening was stamped.

Rushia let her body fall to her back, hands in the air with the envelope.
She promised herself to open it later then threw it at her side, not far off.
"What was that about?" A voice called out, for a second she almost forgot about the girl she's on-call with.

"Some letter. Don't plan on opening it yet." The rain was louder than her voice, still Marine caught it. "You should, maybe it's something important." Rushia considered but didn't do so, Marine pushed more.

Feeling defeated with the other's persistence, Rushia grabbed the envelope then slowly took off the stamp, not wanting to damage the envelope itself.

With shaky hands, she was lucky enough to pull it off without causing damage to her treasured envelope.
She took the letter itself inside then folded it open, eyes going through each word.

Her lidded eyes widened the more she went through it.
Not even finishing half of it, she stopped. Her breathing heavy.
Marine noticed, "What is it?" "My brother.." A certain glint in Rushia's eyes shone in the dark room.


Her voice pierced through Marine's eardrums, causing it to bleed.
Nearby animals immediately went further away from the house she stayed.

Butterflies [Marine x Rushia]Where stories live. Discover now