14: Harsh landing

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Head still yet in an ache, she reaches over to the nightstand to grab her phone. 4:06 am. She tried falling back to the void of sleep but ultimately failed, groaning at the thought of having to get out of bed at such an early time.

With slight movement, she removed the blankets over and stood up.
These past couple days, the weather had been cooling down but not much to this extent. Curious, she opened the curtains, letting sun rays hit her, causing her eyes to squint.

She peered out of the window to be shocked by the sight of snow flurrying down with an inch of its thickness on the once green land.
"How many chapters have we skipped? Damn, time flew by awfully quick."

She neared the closet to grab a towel and have a shower to warm the goosebumps on her skin.
After what felt like an eternity of her daily shower and trying to wake herself up in the process -

She grabbed the usual uniform with an additional layer of a black polo hoodie with a chibi soul sticker printed on its back. Yawning loudly, she went over the door then turned its knob.

At the other end, Marine stood right in front of her, eyes still shut with subtle circles around it.
The corner of her bent index wiping off little sleep, mouth agape from a small yawn.

The redhead's hair was down, unbrushed, wild strands perking up here and there. She was wearing an oversized butter colored t-shirt, one of its sleeves slipping off her shoulder, exposing some skin.

The girl tilted her head like a confused puppy, her crimson eye still closed while the other was half-lidded.
Rushia found it one of Marine's most cutest and endearing moments.
"A- Rushia.. You're up earlier than usual."

Her raspy voice indicated that she had probably just been asleep minutes ago.
"I couldn't go back to sleep so might as well get ready to leave." Rushia shrugged in a circular motion, her eyes slightly rolling with it.

Marine strechted out her arms then suddenly slapped both of her cheeks.
Her eyes shone brighter as sleepiness starts slipping off her.
With a sudden burst of energy, Marine sprinted to the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind her.

Rushia sighed the second Marine was behind bathroom doors, leaning to the side of her own door.
Letting the familiar insects swarm around her in utter defeat.

Now all she had to do was laze around minutes of hours and hope that time decides to fly by fast like it usually do.

They both sat still on the couch with Rushia's fingers dancing with a pen on paper. Too busy to be bothered by Marine who was sitting upside down, her legs on the couch's back, head hanging over the seat. Blood probably running to her head.

Marine was reading some doujin, but she would occasionally take quick glances of the smaller girl.
She pushed her body up, now sitting with her face resting on the back of the couch, head turned to Rushia.

With her eyes still locked on the paper, Rushia asked, "What do you want?" "Let's go on a date." Marine responded so calmly, seeming nonchalant in contrast from Rushia who was questioning if her hearing was right.

The pen in her hand slipped from her fingers, taking a deep inhale she closed her eyes, soon opening up to Marine. "Huh?" The redhead's eyebrows furrowed tightly together, her lips twisting downwards to a frown.

"It's been a while since we went out with just the two of us, and you seem like you could use some fresh air."

Giving thought to it, Rushia took notice the lack of alone time between them outside. Also feeling a bit down from the facts Marine stated.
"Where would we go anyway?" Rushia closed the pen, eyes turning to the red-haired beside her.

"I don't know, anywhere? Just ask me out." Rushia raised an eyebrow. "You want me to ask you out?" "Yes." Was Marine’s sheepish answer. It was followed by a short flow of explanation.

"You see.. I'm kinda broke at the moment 'cause i just bought a gift for someone and it was definitely not cheap. So it would be really nice if you could feed me..."


Marine figeted with her fingers, staring deep into Rushia's eyes with the most miserable puppy face she had ever seen. "Really?" Rushia could only hum quietly while nodding slightly to the side to hide her blushing face.


Marine looked pensively over the menu, eyes lit with the usual child-like sparkles dotted in her eyes.
"Aaaah so much choice, I don’t know what I want! What should I order, Rushia?"

Absentmindedly, her hand rested on Rushia's shoulder, eyes still wandering the menu.
The latter crossed her arms, shifting her weight to one leg, sideways from Marine. "Get whatever the hell you want.

Immediately, Rushia regretted the harsh tone. Though Marine seemed unfazed, sighing dramatically, "You're taking such a good care of me! Just marry me already would you? So i don't have to worry about things such as these." She threw her a smug smirk.

"Don't play with me like that. I might actually end up giving you the whole world if i could." Switches of each emotion Rushia had flicked repeatedly inside her head, causing her quite the headache. "In your dreams."

Marine giggled, Rushia finally turned to the barista who had an amused smile on her face, trying not to look like she was eavesdropping even though they were right in front of her.

"Just a strawberry shortcake and two mocha frappes please..." The short girl sighed, feeling intense embarrassment and irritation.


Both sat on a table for two near the windows, far off from the others.
The snow outside gently poured down from the skies, decorating rooves with its cold thickness.
Rushia placed down her plate, eyes glued to the outside, minimizing eye contact.

Marine only chuckled under her breath, amused from the changing shades of pink on Rushia's face.
Not long after, Marine stretched a soft smile, eyes wandering features of Rushia's face. "Thank you. For this."

Rushia almost spit out the drink she just sipped, surprised by the fact Marine was suddenly tender.
She let out small coughs with her hand covering her mouth.

As the tight feeling on her chest loosen, she sat with straight posture.
"It's nothing, now just shut up and drink." As if she was also ordering herself, she took another sip from the cup, some of the whipcream wiping on her face. Marine giggled before doing so.

She found the small girl undeniably cute. Long after, Rushia excused herself as she placed down the empty cup. She spent her time at the restrooms washing her hands.

Still flustered by the fact she just walked in on a couple making out, one of them was familiar.
It was the highlighted white-haired beside coco back at the party.

Rushia came back to Marine talking with some stranger, a coy grin stretched on her face, an eyebrow raised. The stranger seemed as though she was enjoying their talk.

Rushia couldn't think properly, should she intervene or stay still until the two were finished talking?
The stranger could possibly be just asking her for the time or something, though ignoring the slight jealousy was not so fun.

Rushia chose to stay still and hope the girl left soon, though she did after receiving a piece of paper.
Now with that out of the way, she went back to the table. Quietly apologizing for taking too long.

"Nah it's good, just finished my drink." Marine threw a reassuring smile which only unnerved Rushia.
They went back to campus with Rushia being awfully quiet throughout, swearing to stop the fall before it deeply gets to her.

Butterflies [Marine x Rushia]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora