Y/n shrinking adventure 2 (BTS World another story magic shop)

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"Jungkook wake up!"Y/n yelled but he didn't hear her and her microscopic size didn't help her.

Suddenly,the world for Y/n began to lift up,Jungkook woke up! "HMM... WHAT TIME IS IT?"he boomed,his voice was even scarier than before.

The massive boy looked at the pillow that he let Y/n sleep and he doesn't see him."WAHHHH WHERE IS SHE!?"he yelled.

"Jungkook I'm on your nose!"Y/n yelled,hoping he could hear her but no,he didn't hear her and he calls the hotelier.

Y/n who was on Jk's nose still struggling from Jungkook's voice.Suddenly,the door opened,reveal the most handsome giant hotelier no other than Seokjin.

"HERE YOU GO SIR,THESE MIGHT HELP."he boomed."THANK YOU SO MUCH." "YOU'RE WELCOME,HOPE YOU FIND THE PRECIOUS Y/N." Y/n covered her ears from their booming coversation,it's probably sound like when a planets are talking.

In Jungkook's both hands,he was holding a small paper but not too small and a microscope.Jungkook  finally understand why the hotelier bring these to Jk.The hotelier knew that Y/n is still shrinking and he thought the paper is to let Y/n get on and look at her with the microscope.

"WOW,THIS HOTELIER IS SMART LIKE THE DETECTIVE."he said.The boy walking toward the table and the microbe size Y/n could hear his powerful footsteps from up here and the movement he made was so slow to her.

Jungkook places the microscope on the table and he's hoping Y/n would jumped on the paper if she was on him and she WAS.

"Y/N,IF YOU WAS ON ME CAN YOU JUMP ON THIS PAPER?"he said."Okay Jk."she replied,knewing that the titanic boy won't hear her and she jumped and landed on the paper.

Y/n feel Jungkook moving the paper to the microscope.The micro Y/n was completely startled as she saw his very big doe eye staring at her.It was cute and terrifying at the same time.

"Y/N THERE YOU ARE!"the boy yelled happily and bring his finger tip for her to get on.Y/n saw a fleshy "thing" coming toward her.It must be his finger tip and she get on.

The finger tip slowly lifting up to his eyes."I KNOW I CAN'T SEE YOU BUT YOU'RE SO ADORABLE~"he said.

"ALSO,HOW WAS YOUR TINY ADVENTURE?"he asked."It was fun.I finally understand about the adventure thing."she said.

Suddenly,the magic shop appeared."H..how?"Y/n said,she was very suprised that the magic shop appeard in the literally hotel room."It's a MAGIC shop."he said.Jungkook walked inside.He saw a potion that wrote "For Y/n,this potion return you to normal size."

Jungkook carefully drop the potion on his finger tip and Y/n return back to normal size."Yay I'm finally back to normal!"she said happily.

"Congrat."Jungkook said and clapping for her.She quickly ran outside the magic shop and the very massive hotel room is not massive anymore.

Before Jungkook went outside,he saw a note that said."Your memories have finally restored Y/n,thank you for coming by!"and he smiled and stepped outside the shop.

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