This school and their students keep getting stranger and stranger. After my chat with Finn, we all parted ways, and now I’m back in my room. My only place where I can call my haven. But there are so many questions building up with no answers. The new one now is why the hell did Grimshaw stop Finn? I know they hated each other, but it makes little sense that he would stop Finn, who was trying to stop Tynan’s plans. Unless everything Finn told me was a lie? Ugh! I don’t know what to do or think anymore! Everything was so much simpler back in Alabama. No magic. No rituals. No dark or light users. No demons or demon blood. I knew who I could and couldn’t trust. I feel like I’m in my personal hell. I just want it all to end. I want to be free from this place. I miss home. I miss my parents. I even miss Joz.
I let out a sigh as I plopped onto my bed, staring up at my dark ceiling. I hate these dark colors. There’s too much of them, and not enough light colors. I can remember how my old room looked back in Alabama. Wooden floors, white ceiling, dark blue walls, and a queen sized bed with a matching pillow cases and blankets. My favorite color was blue, so my dad got me a lot of blue stuff. He even painted my room a dark blue to contract my light blue bed set. I remembered when my dad passed away. I told my mom I didn’t like blue anymore. I told her I outgrew the color, but in reality, my room just reminded me too much of my father. The man who would always get my favorite things, and try to get them in blue. I even painted my room a gray color to get rid of the blue. I wish I never did. 
I curled up into a ball on my bed as I felt my heart ache and tears sliding down my face. I hate this place. I hate my life. I wish they did not bring me back to life. This isn’t fair. Why must I suffer for their gain? I don’t want to be alone in this. I want my parents back, my home. I want my beautiful blue room back that my dad painted for me; I hate this dark room. I want it to go away! It’s just not fair. It’s not fair. It’s not fair.
I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was darkness. I then felt coldness but warmth at the same time. It felt familiar. I slowly sit up before looking around, but everywhere I look was dark. I must be in my mind again, but then where’s Joz? I look around once more before standing up. It feels so empty, which creeps me out. I then saw a wooden door, but it wasn’t any kind of door. It was a blue wooden door. No way. That can’t be the door from my childhood, could it? I thought shock from seeing it again. I glance around for Joz before walking over to my old bedroom door. 
When I pushed it open, it almost felt like I stepped back in time. It was my bedroom back in Alabama. My blue bed. My dark blue walls. My white ceiling. My wooden floors. My bookshelves with all of my books and my mirror in the corner. My wooden desk, which my dad made and painted blue for my tenth birthday. I even saw my stuff animals collection in the other corner, half of them being blue. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks as I didn’t want to leave here. It’s my room. It’s my childhood room, which I loved and missed so dearly. 
“So do you like it then?” 
I turn around and saw Joz leaning against my door frame casually. I felt too happy to be mad at him for being mute last week. I nodded quickly before running up to him and grabbing him in a tight hug. I felt his body tense, but I didn’t care. I was too happy and grateful for what he did for me. 
“Thank you Joz.” I say so happily. 
“Uh yeah sure, no problem.” Joz says before coughing awkwardly and pushing me away. 
“Where have you been, anyway?” I ask, breaking my favorable moment. 
“I was still here.” Joz tells me like it was obvious. 
“Why didn’t you talk to me when I needed you?” I ask hurt that he ignored me. 
“I’m a demon, dear Lonnie. You shouldn’t want to depend on me, or want my advice. Isn’t that right?” Joz asks sounding irritated. 
“What are you talking about?” I ask, confused. 
“Don’t you get it? Why are you always acting dumb when you obviously know! I’m a demon Lonnie dear. I use dark magic, so I’m a bad guy. I’m just like all those wanna be dark users dimwits excepts I have actual power and am stronger! You shouldn’t count on me. You shouldn’t want me to help me! So stop asking for my advice!” Joz yells at me angrily. 
“Joz, if this about what I said about dark users being the bad guys, I’m sorry.” I apologized. 
“Why are you apologizing? I’m worse than them! You should fear me! You should want to figure out how to get me out of your fucking mind!” Joz yells, angry at me. 
“I do fear you, Joz! I’m afraid that one day you will take over my mind and possess my body. I’m afraid one day you will actually convince me to kill someone or use your magic on someone. I’m afraid that one day I’ll wake up and you won’t be here anymore!” I yelled at him with tears sliding down my face, making his eyes widen. 
“Lonnie dear, you shouldn’t be worried if I’m still here or not.” Joz tells me with a sigh.
“Joz. I didn’t know what to do or who to trust. But when you first appeared, you helped me get by. I didn’t feel so alone, and you helped me get braver and understand why I’m so different.” I tell him seriously. 
“You are only different because of me, Lonnie dear, and your braver because of the power that’s coursing through you. I haven’t really helped you in anything.” Joz tells me honestly. 
“I do not believe it. You help me if you believe it or not, and even if you say you don’t, you care about me too.” I tell him, poking his chest.
Joz grabs onto my hand as he looks at me with a funny look as he says, “Care about you? I’m a demon, we do not care, especially towards mortals.” 
“Then explain why you let me see my old bedroom again?” I ask, catching him off guard.
Joz opens his mouth but closes it as he tries to think of an excuse. I smile as I knew I would get him, but I don’t understand why he’s trying to push me and keep his distance away. I glance up at him as he lets go of my hand as he turns and walks out of my room. I glanced down at my hand and the warmth from his hand immediately went away, and my hand was cold again. I felt alone again. I don’t know how I can get him to talk to me again. I have to figure out what’s going through his mind. Maybe I could ask someone. Who would know what’s going on with a demon? 

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