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It's a risk when you're in a relationship. You never know the answer to the question 'Are you ready?' before sharing your life with someone else.

(Y/N) has lived her whole life wanting affection from someone even though she never directly asked for it. She hated the way she lived, but if it wasn't for a certain troublemaker she met in the streets, she wouldn't have thought that life could actually be pretty fun when you get into trouble.

Until he was gone. She needed a break and maybe then she could get over his death, but someone else entered her life. Someone who was never meant to be a part of it. Someone who ruined her life, or maybe made her numb to everything.

Spending four years with the Joker, she learned how to obey the rules. If she didn't there were consequences. She met two new friends who wanted freedom just like her. But it almost seemed like a faraway dream.

Now that she was out of The Joker's chains, what now? She and Lina were finally free to do what they wanted. But Val didn't follow their path.

Even though she seemed to live a normal life, did she really recover from everything that happened? Why did expressing her love for Jason seem hard to do even though they've been together for a year?


Honestly, Jason never wished to have come back to life. Why live again in a world like this? No... the world wasn't necessarily the problem. It was Gotham. But now that he was here, dating the girl he didn't know was his priority, perhaps he didn't hate to keep living.

He always found comfort when being near her. He smiled the most when she was around, and only she knew when he was feeling down.

It only took one question from her friend, whom he envied, for him to realize he liked her.

He can tell that even after a year of being together, she is still not opening up to him. His intrusive thoughts told him to give up, but he couldn't. Every now and again, he'd see her truly smile like she would when they were kids, and that simply encouraged him to keep trying.

He'll be at her side no matter how long it takes.

Or so, that's how he'd have wanted it.

[End of Prologue]


Word Count: 391

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