I couldn’t concentrate the rest of the day when Tynan told me we were engaged. Do I believe him? I honestly do not know! This school is so confusing and I don’t want to believe him, but what if my mom sold me to them so they could bring me back from the dead? I don’t know what to believe anymore and it’s frustrating. My first day back at school after two weeks, and what do I get? Detention, a kiss from Tynan and told that I’m even engaged to him! No, no, no, I can’t let that happen. He’s evil and just wants my blood like everyone else. I have to stop him once and for all. I first need to figure out how to stop that ritual from happening. I know Mr. Dubuik needs a sacrifice which was my mother and a marriage. So, as long as I don’t marry Tynan, then everything should be fine. Right? I don’t get why there even needs to be a marriage for this ritual, but no matter what, I won’t let them win.
“Lonnie McPurthy.” 
I snap out of my thoughts as I almost forgotten that I’ve been standing outside of the principal’s office waiting for him to call me in. I don’t want to hear another lecture, but I mine as well just get it over with. I take a deep breath before walking in, and just like my first day, he’s sitting behind his desk with a smile? The room is still confusing as it’s more colorful than the dark hallways and classrooms, and something I’ve not noticed when I came in here on my first day. There’s a picture hanging up behind Mr. Tomas, with three guys standing there in front of this academy. I recognized one of them as a younger version of Mr. Tomas, but the other two I didn’t recognize. 
“Miss. McPurthy please have a seat.” Mr. Tomas spoke up making me break away from that picture.
I stare at the chair as I don’t remember a chair in here when I came in here the first time. Maybe I’m just going crazy from being in this school for so long. How long has it been now? I think it’s almost been a month since I started here, and surprisedly I’m still alive. Of course, that means the end of next month is the play. Which also means Mr. Dubuik will come and the ritual and marriage will happen. The devil will rise. No! I can’t let any of that happen! I’m the only one who can stop this ritual.
“Miss. McPurthy! Do not make me call you again.” Mr. Tomas nearly yells making me jump.
“I-I uh I’m sorry, sir.” I apologized. 
Mr. Tomas lets out a sigh before standing up and walking around his desk as he leans against it and says, “Miss. McPurthy I know it’s difficult to start in the middle of a semester, but that doesn’t mean you can act up either.” 
“But I wasn’t acting up! I-I really was ill.” I tell him which was a lie, but he doesn’t need to know what’s going on. 
“Do you really take means a fool, Miss. McPurthy?” Mr. Tomas asks seriously. 
“No, sir.” I say but became afraid when the room became cold.
“I know you weren’t really ill, but know you are hiding something.” Mr. Tomas says making me shiver both from the cold and fear that he knows who I am. 
“Mr. Tomas, sir I-” I try to say but he stops me as he stands up straighter before saying, “I know it wasn’t coincidence that you ended up here.”
“Wait what?” I ask shock. 
“I expected your arrival, but what I didn’t expect was you becoming close to my son.” Mr. Tomas tells me furrowing his eyebrows. 
“Your son? I-I’m not close with anyone here, everyone just wants to use me for my blood.” I tell him honestly.
“Even if that’s true, then why does my son talk about you all the time? It’s almost like he’s-” Mr. Tomas says but stops mid-sentence as his eyes widen in realization. 
“Um, like he’s what?” I ask, almost afraid to know.
Mr. Tomas glances over at me before turning and facing away from me. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, as I don’t understand why he’s acting this way suddenly. The coldness in the room even went away as well. I stood there awkwardly, not knowing if I should just leave or continue to stand here. I glanced around the room and noticed that it’s mostly books and scattered papers all over the place. I don’t see a single plant, window, or any other office stuff in here. Well, except that mysterious cabinet with a lock on it. I wonder what’s in there? I wonder as I kept staring at that lock. 
“Why do you want to know?” Joz asks, breaking my train of thoughts. 
“I don’t know, it’s just something about it that’s drawing me to it.” I tell him in my mind. 
“I see.” Joz answers simply. 
I open my mouth to ask him what he meant, but then Mr. Tomas turned around, staring unblinking. I took a step back, a little unnerved by his strange behaviour, but you would think I would be used to all of this strangeness by now. All of this magic, blood, rituals, and demons, and appearances changing. It’s all just not normal yet. It’s been happening right in front of me for almost a month now. I glanced back at the principal to see him walking over to me. I took another step back out of fear, but he grabs onto my arm firmly before glaring into my eyes. 
“Listen to me well, Miss. McPurthy. I want you to stay away from my son. You got it? I don’t care about this plan anymore, but if he feels that way towards you, then he could get killed. I don’t want my boy getting killed because of you!” Mr. Tomas hisses at me. 
“I-I-how is it my fault?” I ask, fumbling over my words.
“Just stay away from him!” Mr. Tomas yells at me. 
“Okay!” I yelled back. 
“Good.” Mr. Tomas says as he lets me go and tells me I can leave. 
I stood there for a second longer before turning and leaving. When I closed the door, I stood out in the hallway, shocked at what happened. I thought every dark user was evil and only cared for themselves, but Mr. Tomas really cares for his son. I didn’t just hear it in his voice. I saw it in his eyes. Mr. Tomas was really worried about losing his son, about seeing his son killed. But for what? For-for liking me? Seriously? Why is this school so messed up? Who on earth even likes me? I know it’s not Tynan. He’s only using me for my blood and for the ritual. So, who else could-wait! It can’t be Grimshaw, could it? No. He kissed me once, but Mr. Tomas can’t be his father, could he? 

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