make it work

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----3 months later----

We got kicked out of our apartment a month ago.Colson lost one of his job.
We are living in a one bedroom we gave slim the room and us the living room. I cant ask my parents money cause they said when I moved out 'we will not give you any money if you cant afford it dont do it' so... we had to sale almost all our stuff. We have 2 air mattresses one TV 2 dressers a pad for cas to sleep on and laptop and that's basically it. And today is casies first birthday I got the Baker at Safeway were I work to give me a free cake and me and col got a few gifts at the dollar store so she could have some thing to open .
We are going to cols aunts house for a 'party'.

"Mama" I hear cas say crawling over Colson than crawling on me "hey baby you hungry"  " yeah " "ok" I get up and put her cartoons on and put mini pancakes in the microwave and get a cup of coffee and get a call from my manager u pick it up
"Hello " I say giving cas her breakfast
"I need you to come in today "
"Its my daughters birthday I can't "
"I can have you out by 1"
"Fine see you in a hour " i hang up
I get my outfit for work and go to get ready in the bathroom. When I get out i see col up with a cup of coffee
"I thought you dont work today"
"I didn't he just called said I would be out by 1" "oh ok" "I'll just net you at your aunt's house right? ""Yeah that cool" "ok I love you" i said and kissed his lips "love you more sexy" he said
I than kissed casies head "love you birthday girl" and left

》Colsons POV《

Y/n left for work when I get a call from unknown number called I pick up
Colson other
Hi is this Colson Baker
Yeah sup
Hey its it's your mom
Wh-what do you want *my eyes started to water *
I wanted to met up with you
I cant
You left and you cant just walk back in my life
I know It will take time col please
I have to talk to my girlfriend ok I will get back to you it's my daughters birthday I'm spending time with her
You have a daughter how old
One now bye
I hang up and started crying a bit "dada" cas said crawling in to my lap
"Hey babygirl" picking her up into my lap kissing her cheek

I walked into my aunt's house she had decorations everywhere and a huge gift table . She walked over and put her arms out "give me that baby"
I handed her casie "auntie this is to much" "oh shut up...wheres y/n"
"Work needed more money so shes getting overtime" "oh ok " "she will be here any minute"

Y/n walked in the house looking like shit and her eyes were puffy. She set the cake in the kitchen than walked into the bathroom "she ok"slim asked
"Idk one sec " getting up and walked to the bathroom I knocked on the door "baby let me in" she open the door "hey what's wrong "hugging her
"They made me go to work than on my way out my manager said I was fired because they my a better replacement I'm a fuckin cashier wtf does that mean" "we will make it work" I said and kissed her lips

Everyone (slim,dub,ash and y/ns brother mom and dad)was here sitting around as cas opened gifts with the help of y/n.watching her face light up when she opened it in my mind I wanted my mom and dad here so bad...this girl was getting spoiled she got a fuck ton of toys clothes and a real toddler bed . "I think it's time for cake" my aunt said she picked up cas put her in a high chair and a piece of cake in front of her

Ash had cas in the bath cause she had cake everywhere. I was sitting on the couch y/n had her head on my shoulder and her legs in my lap my hand on her thigh her arms around mine asleep."want to know who called me today" I asked my aunt "who" "my mom " I said looking down
"What did she say" "she wants to see me I said I have to talk to y/n" " have you yet" " no not yet" looking y/n kissing her head . Then ash came out with cas and handed me her and she slowly was falling asleep."we should probably get going we still got to walk home" "yall got me fucked up you ain't walking home its 11 o clock get there asses in the car than help me with her gifts" I laughed "ok auntie".
"Hey baby come on my aunts giving us a ride home" I said kissing her head "m'kay " she said getting up
"Here I'll take her to the car" she said than picked all cas and walked to the and slim got all her gifts in the car I got in the middle of cas and y/n , slim in the passenger seat

I closed the door and put casie on her pad. Then walked in the kitchen where y/n was and pulled her in a hug
"I'm going to take a shower" she said "ok baby I'll join you" she laughed "I'm to tried for that" she kissed my cheek "I know I just want to shower with my girl" she laughed again "ok".
We got in the shower and she started washing her hair "did I miss anything while I was at work" "um yeah mom called said she wanted to met up" "what you say "
"Said I had to talk to you what do you think I should do "I said with my head down she put her hands on the sides of my face and lifted it. "I think that you should see her but keep your walls up cause if she leaves again your going to go down that hole again and you have been down that hole more than once because of her" started tearing up but nodded my head she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a hug

I had my head laying on y/ns chest.
"Will you be here when I see her" i asked
"Of course baby" she said rubbing my back . I leaned up kissed her lips "I love you so fuckin much" 
"I love you more then you know Baker"

Her Song  \\\ Colson Baker (MGK)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن