{ your joking right👼🏻 }

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------ 5 days later-----

》Y/ns POV 《

I wake up to kells kissing my neck his arm wrapped around my torso and his leg over mine i swear its like we have been dating for years. I started to rub his back "morning beautiful " i feel him smile on my neck.
"Morning handsome " kiss his head , we layed they for a second and i go to get up for work he pulls me back down "stay" "i cant i have to get ready " "please " "No " and i get up .he looks up at me and put his arms out and does a  'come here ' with his hands i shack my head no and walk in the bathroom to get ready for work

I walk into the boys room on kells bed . Kells was writing in his journal and slim was on his laptop editing their music video for their first song they filmed last night dub was sitting next to slim. "Alright boys i will see you later " i walked over and pecked cols lips "love you the video should be done when you get home "
"can't wait love you" and walk out the front door to work . I got there and walked in "Y/L/N COME TO MY OFFICE!" My boss mark yelled from his office i sighed and walk to his office . "Have a seat " i sit in the chair across from him.
"Whats goin on "
"I'm goin to have to cut your hours "
"WHAT *signs* by how much "
"12 hours "
"That is not going to pay my bills "
"I'm sorry you will have to work two jobs"
"So from 22 hours to 12 hours "
"Yes so that is why you have to go home you already worked your hours"

i walked home and opened the door kells was on the couch " hey baby what are you doing home already?" with a confused face "my boss just cut my hours in half " i sighed . He got up and hugged me kissed my head "its fine baby ..we can just quit that job find one that give you more hours boom done" we laughed "yo i just finished it you got to see it " slim ,dub and ash came out with big smiles on there faces . "Kells this is happening this is the beginning " i look up at him he smiles and we walk over to the couch and slim hits play.

"That was sick " "fire bro "me and slim smile and high five"that was great colson" i say "thanks babe" we were all excited ,then kells phone dinged and his face droped "is everything ok?" I ask and he just walks away

》Colsons POV《

"Thanks babe" my phone dings i look down Text from unknown: 'hey its nicky (fake name)from the other night i need you to call me ASAP'
'Shit ' i thought.  I got up and was walking to my room when y/n said "is everthing ok?" I ignore her and close the door and sit on my bed and call her 'fuck me'
* ring ring she picks up* (nicky kells)

Hey colson how are you

*i hate that her just called me colson* i think

Its kells what do you want

Wow ok fine um..im pregnant ...and its yours and i do not want it so if you want it i will have it but its going to you i want no part of its life

*i stand up run my hand over my face Omg i have a baby i want it i have to talk to y/n shit

Your joking right

No im not

Ok i will um... i will call you tomorrow and tell you is that ..is that good with you

Yeah thats fine

She hang up

I just started crying i dont know why but i did

My door opens and i see y/n in my doorway she walks over and hugs me and lets me cry into her neck she rubs my back and says "shh..hey its ok..baby whats wrong "
I dont say anything and just let her hold me.

"Col what happened " y/n ask i lift head up and she wipes my cheeks and cupped the side of my face "um...the night of the concert i got really really fucked up like never before and ..-" "and you slept with someone " "yeah and shes..uh. pregnant "
"Ok so we are going to make it work and you are going to be the best dad you can be " she said with smile. "But she does not want to be in there life " "do you"
"Ok then we are going to make it work"
"So your not mad"
"No why would I "
"Bc your my girlfriend and I got another girl pregnant "
"Well now that you say it that way"
We both laugh God how did I get so lucky I thought

》Y/ns POV 《

"Do you want to tell them or wait "I ask "wait I'm tired and I think I'm going to call her back and say we want it " "Ok I'm going to go back in the living room..or do you want me to stay " "no it's fine I got it " he said and pecked my lips "love you" "love you too col" that k walked out into the living room  "is he ok" ash ask "yeah hes fine he will be out in a second "
"Ok" . Colson comes out and nodded hes head and smiled and sat next to me and put his head on my shoulder. "Ok I dont know 'bout yall but I'm having some of my mama's mac & cheese " slim said we laughed

We all ate and finished the movie we were watching "ok we should get going " ash said and her and dub got up "ok guys see you later " ash and dub hugged me and rubbed cols shoulder I look over and see hes asleep I smile to me self . I feel slim put his head on my other shoulder. "Y/n thanks" slim said "for what" "believing in us" "you are so high right now" we both laugh "yeah I'm tired I'm going to bed love you night " "love ya night" he walks in his room.
"Baby" I say in col ear "let's go lay down babe" he groans "mm k " we get up and walked into my room . I change into hoodie and short shorts kells just wears his boxer and we get in bed together. I put my head and hand on his chest and my leg over his "did you set everything with her "
"Yeah everything's set" we were silent for a minute before he says
"Night baby"
"Night babe"

Her Song  \\\ Colson Baker (MGK)Where stories live. Discover now