Start from the beginning

"It never ceases to amaze." Jarriss admired the transition for a few moments. "How are you holding up?"

"Terribly" Taa shook his head. "Look at me, confined to this planet and living like a fugitive—what an indignation. You have no idea how happy it makes me to see you. You're the only one of my friends who has bothered reaching out in these trying times."

"I always have time for my friends, especially when they're in need."

"You are a rare breed in the galaxy, doctor. A noble and true friend."

"Tell me what happened."

"A terrible misunderstanding, I assure you. Earlier this year, I had the honor of accompanying his excellence, Emperor Palpatine, and Lord Darth Vader on an official visit to Ryloth. We were investigating a series of disruptive actions caused by a local terrorist group."

"There seem to be quite a few of those these days," Theleema said.

"You are referring to the Free Ryloth Movement," Syrran said.

"The very same," Taa said. "A blemish in the loyal and proud heritage of my people. But I digress. One thing led to another, and the Star Destroyer we were traveling on, the Perilous, was sabotage by of those extremists. Fortunately, I managed to escape certain doom during the ensuing chaos along with my staff."

"Forgive me, Orn. But I fail to see the problem," Jarriss said.

Taa's expression went from dismayed to ashamed. "Prior to my brush with death, that frightening brute, Vader—if he actually belongs to a sentient species—accused my staff of having a spy in their midst. Enraged, he tried to choke the life out of me with his Jedi powers." The memory made him rub his neck under his many chins. "I still have nightmares about it... another burden I have to suffer in my self-imposed exile."

His female companions comforted him, making Syrran squirm in his chair. No one noticed the miniscule reaction except Theleema.

"How did you survive?" Theleema said.

"Why? By the grace of the Emperor himself, my dear," Taa said. "He called his attack hound off, not a moment too soon. Otherwise, you'd be looking at a corpse. After the incident, my entourage and I were confined to our quarters. We managed to escape when the Perilous was destroyed. Alas, I never had a chance to explain myself to his excellency and set the record straight—thank you," he said to the returning waitress.

The BD-3000 placed the drinks, and a couple of dishes containing seafood in their shells, on the table.

"Cheers." Taa raised his class. "To good friends."

"And happy endings," Jarriss added. "How did you end up in Corellia?"

"By the grace of another good friend, Dupas Thomree."

"The Diktat?" Syrran recognized the name of the Governor-General who ruled the planet.

Chosen by the corporate representatives comprising the Corellian Council, the Diktat governed the planet for a term of twenty years. Corellia had remained independent of the Empire by agreeing to pay the Emperor an annual tax for the privilege. This gave Taa the perfect refuge from the Empire, while still being in the Core Worlds to make use of his political contacts and influence.

"He was kind enough to give me asylum, until I cleared my good name with the Emperor," Taa said.

"And you want me to intercede for you," Jarriss said.

Taa smiled baring crooked sharp teeth. "I always said Miraluka are the wisest species in the galaxy. Would you extend me that kindness? I would do so myself, but I fear that cybernetic terror, Darth Vader, and his volatile temper would end my life before I could present my case in front of His Highness. Your diplomatic abilities are legendary, doctor. If anyone can help me, I'm sure it's you. It is a shame you never ran for the Senate. I have no doubt you could make Grand Vizier."

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