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Matthew 6:19-21 "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

So God spoke to me through Ashley's post in coffee and bible time and I decided to share it with you guys.

I have been thinking a lot recently about CONTENTMENT. In one week I heard two sermons on contentment - and began to study sermons on contentment. To be honest, I struggle to live a fully content life. The other day my sister said something that struck me "satan gets man to question God's best" -she said this when talking about Adam and Eve in the garden. Eve ate the forbidden apple because she was not content in what God had already given her. A question I need to think about and ask myself, that I would encourage you to also think about is "where is my treasure found, and where is my heart?" Where my treasure is there my heart will be. If my treasures are all on earth, then I am not living with an eternal perspective. If I am living with an eternal perspective then I should have my treasures in Christ and what he tells me to value and treasure: Him, His word, Love for him and Love for people. I don't want all my treasure to be found in beauty, in social media, in popularity, in academics, in technology, in the opinions of others, in anything other than Christ. I want to remember that what I have now is HIS BEST FOR ME, and I can be content knowing that I have enough in him. I have all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus. Right now, I have God's best - and I don't need to question if I have anything less.

- Coffee and Bibletime

This was directly relating to what was going on in my mind. Let's all be honest, we sometimes put our treasure in these things, whether it be how we look, how our body is or what our grades are, what other people think about us and other people's lives, we look at what they have that we don't have and then we compare and wish we had what they had. We have God, a father who calls us his, a savior he didn't think twice to save us, what else do we want. Many at times we want what others have and we forget we have everything we need. Where is your treasure? I also ask myself right now where is my treasure? Like Ashley I know now that what I have now is his best for me. God has plans for each one of us, he loves each one of us. My brothers and sisters in Christ, like I asked my myself I want you to ask yourself where your treasure is and think about it. God loves you so much, no matter the situation you are in right now, he has you where you are meant to be now. Remember you are in this season for a reason. Let's put our treasure in him, his love for us, his word, loving him and loving others. Let's live with the eternal perspective. Let's all be content in Jesus because he is enough for us.

Remember lovely children of God, My fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Love you guys, everyone one of you. I just want you to talk to God, search your heart, I also need to do the same so we are doing this together.


See you soon again.


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