Life update

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24th May 2021

     Hi everyone, how have you all been? I am so sorry I haven't been active on here. Today I  came to my wattpad and I saw my bio and this book and I really feel so bad, like a hypocrite. Today it really hit me, I have been having anger issues, I have been so rude to those around me, arrogant, annoying and unloving. I haven't been spending quality time with God, I haven't been as passionate about God. I have been hurting him and those around me. I hurt my mum today with my words. I talked to her like I didn't care about her and I love her so much. I actually feel tired. Just awhile back I was doubting God but he restored my faith in him. I need God so much, I want him so much, I feel weak too. I know he still loves me and I want to believe him with all of me and trust him with all of me. I need you lord. I just wanted to share with you my life right now. How I need God so much. I am not perfect, I have struggles but I do know I can overcome them with God. I can come out of this chapter and so can you. Remember God is always good. This is my moments now, right now as I am typing to you. I need God so much and I believe he can restore me to him again with a full heart.

   Are you in your struggling moments? Are you hurting? Did you hurt God? Did you hurt those around you? Well let's seek God together, let's talk to him, let's trust him, let's tell him how we feel, let's come to him, he will help us cause he loves us so much, let's ask for his forgiveness and accept it, let's confess to him, let's repent and turn back to him. Remember we are children of light so let's leave this darkness and return to light. Have we apologized to God? Let's do that now. Accept his forgiveness. Let's apologies to those we hurt, is it our mums? Is it our sisters? Is it our brothers? Is it our friends? Is it our dads?  Is it a stranger? Is it our neighbour? Whoever it is let's go and apologize to them. Now let's look forward and focus on God. Let's not turn back, let's pray, let's listen to God, let's come into his word. Let's look forward. Let's do this together. Do not cry again, do not judge yourself again, let's look to the Lord now because he has forgiven us. He loves us so much. He wants us too. Let's run this race set before us together with endurance. Let's strive for holiness and godliness, Let's strive to live for God's glory.

God is with us

God bless you.

Love you all but

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