-Can I sleep here? .- asked the little girl, moving away from Toni's neck to look at them

"Sure you can." Cheryl said softly, the redhead took her in her arms and the smell of soap flooded her, so Cheryl pulled her closer to her.

That night Rose slept with her mothers and due to the great effort of crying, she fell asleep quickly. The next day everyone woke up early including Thomas as they had woken up to Rose's cries

Maddie has period pain

"Mommy," Maddie said, touching Cheryl's arm to wake her up.

-Sugar, what's wrong? .- Cheryl asked with her voice asleep and frowning, she saw her daughter on the edge of the bed, Cheryl opened her eyes a little more and raised the bedspread higher to cover her naked body

-I have menstrual pain.- Maddie said with a sore voice feeling the pain in her ovaries

-Oh… .- Cheryl said, sitting up a bit on the bed, taking the bedspread with her. Since Maddie started her period has always had very strong pains, they left her KO as it happened to Cheryl.- came down now I'm going to make a tea.- said Cheryl turning on the light on the bedside, Maddie nodded and left the room.- tt .. tt.- said Cheryl moving her wife

-Mmm.- Toni murmured asleep

-Put on your pajamas Maddie has menstrual pain.- Cheryl said softly, Toni moved in the bed a little to stretch, Cheryl got up naked from the bed, changed quickly, washed her hands and went down, where she saw Maddie lying and curled up on the couch with the faithful dalmatian by her side

Cheryl made a tea for her, she worried a lot about her because she knew how she felt. She put her tea in her favorite cup even though she did not realize it and sat on the couch next to her daughter.-Does it hurt a lot? -she asked softly, handing her the cup

-Yes.- Maddie said nodding, Cheryl could see that Maddie was paler than usual

-Drink this and now we are going to my room so that mama can give you a massage, it relieves me.- Cheryl said gently stroking her hair and Maddie nodded without energy, Cheryl hated seeing her like this or any of her sons

Maddie drank the tea taking small sips and laying her head on her mother's lap while Cheryl stroked her hair gently, said nice words since she knew that it helped because Toni did it with her and stayed by her side.- Come on. Let's go to bed.- Cheryl said, squeezing her shoulder slightly making Maddie sit up tired, Cheryl put her arm around her and they went up the stairs

When they entered the room, the light on the bedside on the redhead's side was on and Toni was wearing her pajamas and leaning on the headboard waiting for them, Cheryl internally thanked her for listening to her because otherwise ...

"How are you, cutie?" Toni asked with her raspy voice when they entered the room.

-It hurts.- Maddie said getting into bed thanks to Toni opening the duvet so she could get in without problems

"Come here," Toni said, opening her arms, Maddie immediately got close to her and snuggled into her arms. Cheryl smiled and got into bed behind her, turned off the light and lay on her side to see them.

-Turn over so I can give you a massage.- Toni said softly, Maddie turned around murmuring that in that position she was already comfortable.- I know, but the massage will make you feel better.- said smiling, Toni served as a big spoon while gently caressing her, like this and also thanks to the tea she fell asleep, just like Cheryl

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