chapter xxxiii.

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Cal's heart warmed, "I'm excited, very excited."

The two women continued to stroll together until a voice called out, "Cal!" Both of them turned to see who called and saw Nalu rushing up to them.

"Nalu, hi!" Cal greeted with a grin.

"I haven't seen Vik all day," the boy sounded worried, "Do you know where he is?"

Still with a smile, she answered, "Vik is… away. But don't worry, darling. He'll be back by Starfall."

The curly haired florist lets out a breath, "Oh, alright. Uhm, this is for you." He hands her a bouquet of several different green and white flowers, "For your first Starfall being back."

The spy teared up a little as she clutched the bouquet to her chest, "This is beautiful, Nalu. Thank you."

Nalu turned to Mor, a sheepish look on his face, "I didn't know you'd be with Cal so I haven't prepared anything, ma'am."

Mor shook her head, "Nonsense, it's fine. And it's just Mor to you, young man."

Then Nalu bows his head at the two, "I'll see you at Starfall, ladies."

Mor's jaw drops as Nalu leaves, "He's cute! Vik chose well!"

"I think he got that from me," Cal takes a flower from the bouquet and offers it to Mor, "We both have great taste."


SHE HAD HER ARM LINKED with her brother's when she entered the party, but Vik completely forgot about her the moment he saw his florist. Nalu barely got to give her a wave before he got pulled away by Viktor.

From her spot in the large room, she heard Cas' boisterous laugh. So she walked towards the three males, "Cassian darling, I could hear that laugh from a mile away."

The General faced her with a smug smile, "You love my voice. Admit it, sweetheart."

Cal ignored him and turned to the other male, "Hi, I'm Callaghan. Enjoying the night so far?"

The male smiled, flashing off his white teeth, "Definitely, these two are a joy to be with."

"Careful," Callaghan gracefully takes a glass from a tray passing by, "Cassian's head doesn't need to grow any bigger than it already is."

From the corner of her eye, she could see Azriel looking at her hair, at her dress, at her. She didn't feel one bit shy under his gaze. In fact, Cal knew she looked good, especially in her dress tonight. The green fabric glittered whenever light hit it, and the bodice showed off her form quite well. She'd remember to send Killian her thanks for making the dress. Her hair had also gotten a bit longer, already reaching past her collarbone. She tried to keep it short but it was hard to maintain. Callaghan styled it into soft ringlets and a thin band of pearls on top of her head. Her make-up was kept simple since the dress was enough to catch many eyes.

"Oh, I’m—"

"I’m really sorry to cut this conversation short," she said over the stranger, "Starfall is starting and I simply couldn't miss it."

She gathers a part of her dress in her hands, "So please, gentlemen. Excuse me." Cal turns and leaves, the train of her gown trailing behind her.

"That one’s pretty," their friend said, taking a sip from his glass. Azriel had to swallow the growl attempting to escape his throat and Cas only turned to him with a grin.


THE SPY saw Rhysand take Feyre away from the crowd, probably taking her to a more private place. She smiles at the sight of the two. Under all the sadness and exhaustion in Rhys’ eyes, Cal could see the unending love. His love for his mate — for Feyre Archeron, the Cursebreaker.

She longed for that kind of love. A love that would last for a long time. A love so pure, so passionate.

"Is it really too good to be true?" She faces Azriel, who found a spot beside her. Callaghan took that moment to take a proper look at him. He was wearing a deep purple tunic that made his almost golden eyes stand out. It also complimented his tan skin and build. She thought that Azriel looked simply ethereal, like he too belonged amongst the stars.

"We all can wish, Callaghan," he says.

She hummed in agreement before turning back to the glittering skies. After a beat, Cal spoke again, "Do you ever feel like you’re running out of time?"

The shadowsinger sighs, "Cal, it’s Starfall. Lighten up."

"You're the one to talk," she scoffs, stepping closer to him. The spy was about to lean on his shoulder when a shine caught her eye. A smile broke out on her face as she moved his head to the side, "Is this what I think this is?"

Azriel lets out another sigh, touching the diamond stud in his earlobe, "Vik made me wear it."

"Little brother knows his fashion," her hand drops from his face, "You look good, don’t worry. I saw a few women swooning as you walked by. It suits you, Az."

"And you are divine, Cal," he complimented.

"I know," she shrugs, a cocky grin on her mouth.

Her head tilts to the side when Azriel’s hand appears on her line of vision, holding it out for her to take. "May I have this dance, Callaghan?"

"You must be drunk this early in the night," she chuckled, "You rarely dance during Starfall, what changed?"

When Azriel smiled at her, Callaghan felt her heart skip a beat. "Let’s just say I found the right partner. What do you say, Cal, a dance?"

She let out her own smile, a smile that could put those stars in shame for how bright she’s shining at that moment, "You better hold me tight, shadowsinger."

Once her hand was on his, he lifted it to his lips to place a soft kiss on her knuckles, "I will never let you go, my light."



i have no words,, sorry for not updating for months im really busy at college anD my creativity isn't like it used to be months ago so im really really sorry

i hope i could update longer chapters for you guys very soon

thank you for supporting Cal's journey,, i really do appreciate it <3

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