chapter v.

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[ tw: slight panic attack ]

SHE GOT TO HER TARGET LOCATION AT NIGHTFALL as instructed by the shadowsinger. He briefly gave her a few details about the mission. It was all basically up to her to figure out what was happening. Cal was by a lone cabin in the snowy woods. There were wards around the cabin, but they were weak. Whoever was in there, they just left.

The thief-turned-spy pulled her hood up and winnowed to the inside of the house. The interior was simple, she noticed. Walking to the fireplace, she felt a bit of heat coming from there, confirming her theory that the person just left. It was relatively clean. The faint scent of wood and lemon scattered around the small cabin. She continued to walk around, making sure to keep her steps light so she won't make a lot of sound.

Her brows furrowed when she couldn't shake the feeling of her being watched. It was like someone was watching her every move. So she decided to play as the bait, walking inside a small room. She closed the curtains, the darkness enveloping her. Then she felt it. They were in the room with her. Thinking quickly she winnows to the outside of the room and closes the door. Using some of her own magic, she strengthens the wards so they couldn't leave through the windows and the only way out would be through the door.

Callaghan steps back in shock when loud hits sounded at the door. It was so loud that she feared the door would break. When the pounding stopped, she heard deep breathing coming from the other side, it sounded panicked and scared. She took out a knife and opened the door ready to attack, just in case. Much to her surprise, she saw the shadowsinger kneeling on the floor, shaking. Cal drops her knife and kneels in front of him, "I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you. I wouldn't have done it if I knew."

But Azriel did not even acknowledge her. His breathing was shallow and quick. Totally still in a state of panic. He breathed in and out while frantically looking around. "Hey, hey, shadowsinger," She held his face, "Look at me. Come on, look at me. Just breathe, sir."

Nothing seemed to work. The room darkens as shadows whirled around, as if protecting the shadowsinger. Whatever traumatised him continues to have such an effect that he shuts down. His hands found their way to her sleeves and he held tight, trying to anchor himself to the present.

"Sir, spymaster, shadowsinger, Azriel," he seemed to visibly pause at the use of his name, "Name three things you can smell."

"I don't think―"

"Just do it, please," she said in a stern tone. It was almost the same tone she uses when scolding her brother.

The shadowsinger didn't want to, but with a deep breath he said, "The snow, the pine outside, and your horrible soap."

She tried not to be offended at the comment about her soap, she liked her soap. "Alright, now name three things you can see."

His eyes travelled around the area, "The door, kitchen, and table."

"That's great," she can see that his breathing got a bit slower than before, which meant what she was doing was working. The shadows also seemed to lighten at the calming state of Azriel, "Now name three things you can hear."


"Name them," she said, followed by a soft, "Please."

Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and focused on his hearing, "The branches hitting the windows, the creaky floorboards."

Callaghan agreed. The floorboards were old, making them almost impossible to sneak around in. But what stopped her thoughts about the floorboards was the words coming out of the shadowsinger's mouth, "Then your heartbeat. I hear your heartbeat."

He looks at her, releasing his grip on her sleeves, "Any more things you want me to name?"

She slowly lets go of his face and leans away from him, "How do you feel?"

"Like hell."

Cal clamps her mouth shut, not knowing what to say or do. Then she accidentally blurts out, "Is my soap that bad?"

Azriel turns his head to the side to hide his amusement. When he turned to her again, his face was serious, "Report?"

"The cabin is abandoned, sir," she sat straight, "But whoever stayed just left. They left nothing beneficial behind. It was almost like they knew someone was coming or that―" She pauses, looking at Azriel, "This was a test. The scent. It was the wraiths."

He stood from the floor, satisfied but said nothing. The shadowsinger walks out of the cabin, leaving Callaghan seated on the floor confused.

Was his panic real or a part of the test?

It had to be real. She knew how to fake panicking, and his attack earlier seemed too real to be an act. It had to be.

Did she pass his test?

She hoped so.


RHYS WAS EXPECTING HIM the moment he appeared outside his office.

"Well?" Rhys asked when Azriel sits on the chair in front of him, "How was our new recruit?"

It took him a second before answering, "She's quick and light on her feet, barely made a sound. Her magic strengthened the wards for a bit. Her deduction skills were impressive as well. She even managed to lure me into a trap."

The high lord's eyes widened, "You fell for her trap?"

"I got distracted," Az glared at Rhys. "Is that what you wanted to hear?"

Rhysand knew not to push the topic any further, "Anything else?"

Azriel thinks, "I don't think she can fight. I briefly saw how she held her knife, but it wasn't the correct way."

"What do you suggest?"

"Get her proper training," the shadowsinger fidgeted with one of his siphons, "She'll need that to be able to go on her own missions."

Rhysand internally smiled. He knew Callaghan would impress Azriel. He knew he didn't regret his decision about keeping her alive. "I'll ask Cassian about the training."

Azriel could feel Rhys' stare so he turned to him, "What?"

His brother only let out a smirk, "You got something on your mind?"

He knew he couldn't lie to Rhys so he just said, "She has this tone in her voice that persuades you to do what she says. As if she can convince you to believe her."

"Charmspeak?" Rhys raised a brow.

Azriel shook his head, "No, just good at lying."

"Alright," Rhys clapped his hands once, standing from his seat, "Let's go, I'm starving."

The shadowsinger couldn't keep the smile off his face as he too got out of his seat and followed Rhysand out of the office. 


[ notes! ]

first taste of cal x azriel jdnddmdm

what do you guys think? i'd love to hear your thoughts and comments

buckle up 'cause theres more coming :>

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