chapter ix.

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"YOU CALLED FOR ME?" Cal asked as she entered the map room. Rhys was looking at the map of Velaris while he twirled a small house figurine on his fingers, "Yes, Cal, I did."

He points to the map, "What do you see?"

"A map."

Rhysand sighs, "I walked right into that one. Alright so if you were given a chance to get a house, would you like the riverside or by the Artist's quarters?"

"If you're looking for peace and quiet, the riverside would be a good pick," she answers truthfully, "But if you don't mind the noise, the Artist's quarters is nice too."

"And you," he looks at her, "What are you looking for?"

Rhysand was very grateful for Cal and Vik joining his family. They made the circle lighter in a way. The two provided a humor that can make every room brighten. Rhys wanted to do something more for Callaghan, that's why he thought that she would like to have a place of her own.

"I'm not looking for a house, I was looking for a home," Callaghan takes his hand, "And I found it."

"Rhys," she says before he could talk, "I appreciate the gesture, honestly, but I can't."

"Do you like it in the mountains?" He asked, confused.

The spy wanted to laugh, "No, Rhys. I want to stay here, whether in the townhouse or the House of Wind. I just― I've grown attached, and Vik seems to like it here too. So if you'll allow us, my lord, I'd like to stay. Unless of course if you'd want us to go, which is totally fine as well."

"No!" Rhysand was quick to protest, "Cal, I gave you a choice, and you chose to stay, I will honor that. Personally, I don't want you to leave, I just thought you'd like a place of your own."

"Don't go soft on me, Rhysand," she says, picking up the small figurine, "I like it here. But, when Vik grows up, I want him to have a choice too. So, if you will, save that for my boy."

He flashes her a smile, "I'll keep that in mind."


CALLAGHAN KEPT HER STEPS LIGHT as she snuck behind Cassian, who was busy analyzing his next move at the board game he and Vik were playing. The young fae briefly glanced at her, but upon seeing her finger pressed to her lips, he remained quiet.

"Hi," Cal said, startling the Illyrian general. His wings flared so she had to move away quickly to avoid from getting hit.

"Cauldron, Callaghan!" he points a finger at her, heart beating fast from the shock, "Don't do that again!"

She chuckles as she sits on the arm of the chair where her brother sat on, "Can't promise you that, Cas."

"Az used to do that to me too, you know," he commented. "He has been rubbing off on you too much."

The spy smirked, "If there was any rubbing involved, I'd know for sure."

Vik groans, pushing her off the seat, "You're disgusting, Cal!"

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