chapter vii.

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"WHY DO I HAVE TO DO THIS AGAIN?" She said, pushing herself to stand from being knocked to the floor by Cassian's punch. Callaghan looks at him as she pants from exhaustion.

Cassian agreed on training her, which brought us to this moment, where Callaghan could barely keep up with him.

"You need to get some muscle on those skinny arms," the general taps her arms, which she tried to swat away but he was too quick for her.

She rested her hands on her knees, "Why?"

"So the next time you get caught," he steps closer to her and helps her to stand straight, "You'll be able to fight your way out."

"That's ridiculous," she said. "It may not have crossed your mind but I'm not familiar with all this. I'm just a pickpocket, not a soldier."

Cassian simply raised his fists, "Let's do this again."

"Mother help me," Cal inhales and raises her fists as well, preparing for his next attack.


IT TOOK HER SEVERAL YEARS to be able to keep up to Cassian's satisfaction. He never gave up on her despite how many times she fell, passed out, or bled. Muscle began to build in her body. Her knife skills had seriously improved. She could throw them with high precision even from a mile away. She got toned and she seemed to glow compared to when she first came to Velaris. She grew more confident and comfortable, treating the Inner Circle like her own family. Basically, Cal looked and felt better than ever. She joked and pranked around, but knew when she needed to be serious. She was more of a nuisance to Azriel once she showed her true colors. Cassian and Rhys thought of her as an annoying sister of some sorts. While Mor and Amren found a real close friend in her.

Soon enough, she gained the title of being Azriel's Second, unfortunately for him, as she proved herself mission after mission. It was well deserved though. She worked and trained and did her best. Cal wanted to make a mark, and she did. Although being in a higher rank, she never saw herself above anyone. Her politeness and humility remained intact after all those years, albeit a little smug at times.

She and Azriel spent most of their time together, whether in mission or just reviewing the details and information they had gathered. When Az missed something, she's quick to point it out. When he felt tired, she was there to offer her help. The two worked closely together, the others noticed. There was an undeniable connection between them, but no one was sure if it was romantic, sexual, or just plainly platonic.

There was a time when Rhys took her to Hewn, and they bumped into Keir. The steward could recognize the dark green cloak anywhere, it was the rat that stole from him. "What is the vermin doing here?" He sneered at the young High Lord upon seeing the Court seal pinned to her cloak, "You can't be serious?"

"I can't?" Rhysand raised a perfectly sculpted brow, "She has skills, it's a shame not to put them in use."

"But she's nothing!" Keir complained, harshly pointing at the new spy. "A low life!"

"I suggest, you watch your words, Keir. You're talking to a member of my circle," the High Lord said. The golden haired fae clenched his jaw as he walked past a smirking Cal.

"Could you be any more smug?" Rhysand said to her when Keir was out of earshot. Still smirking, Cal said, "I could try turning it up a bit if you want, my lord."

"Shut your mouth, Cal," he said with a hint of playfulness and beckoned for Callaghan to follow him to their destination.

But it wasn't just Callaghan who visibly improved. As Vik grew, he began showing signs of his abilities. It started off as mimicking animal sounds flawlessly even if he only heard them once. Then he managed to transform into a life sized tiger. In his early teen years, he already had a handful of animals he could transform into. The skill he had earned him the name, Morphling.

Amren was the first, aside from Cal, to notice the changes within the boy. "He's strong and powerful," she told Callaghan. "You think so?" Cal asked. The silver eyed female turned to her, "He's just like you, girl. Of course he is."

One day, Rhys called her into his office. "You called for me, Rhys?" she asked when she was permitted to enter. He pointed to a chair and she sat on it, "Amren and I would want to train Vik. Teach him how to shift with ease and speed, how to use his mind efficiently, the likes."

She was puzzled, "I don't see how this applies to me."

"Well," Rhysand placed his elbows atop his table, "Since you are his legal and only blood relative, I figured I needed to ask your permission." That made her smile at her High Lord, "Rhys, you idiot. If you haven't figured it out, even with your daemati abilities, we're all family now. We may not be related by blood but I trust you. Vik, trusts you. So go ahead, make him the best version of himself."

"By the way," Cal leaned on the table, "Did you know Cassian has—"

He cuts her off, not in the mood for some gossip, "You may go now, Callaghan. Thank you."

"What, you don't want to hear me talk?"

"No," he pulled her out of her seat and pushed her out the door. "You bastard, Rhys!" she shouts at him from the other side of the door. Rhys smiles as he walks back to his table.


[ notes! ]

cAn i just say,,, it hits different when ur fav authors add your book to their reading lists dkdndmssm


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