chapter xxiii.

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VIK'S HAND WAS ON HERS as she ran her finger along the calluses present there, "You've been training so hard, I'm proud."

"Cas said I still have a long way to go," he said sheepishly, "I'm nowhere near ready."

Cal made a tsk sound, "Cas has this tell when he's lying. His eye twitches just a smidge, one can pass it off but you'll notice it once you know. When he told me I had a long way to go, his eye twitched. I'm pretty sure, he said that to help you push harder. You're getting there, my boy. Don't rush."

The young fae looked at her and the scars that littered her once clear skin, "I would've killed her for touching you, Cal."

"She didn't have to touch me at all," Cal pats his hand, "Her power was much much stronger. She had the power of the High Lords. But it didn't matter how many times I bled, cried, or passed out. All I wanted was to be with you."

"And Az?"

Cal shoved him away, laughing, but she didn't deny.

"I also heard about the peregryn," Vik uttered, walking on eggshells around the topic. He didn't know if Cal was fully recovered from that event so he had to be careful not to break her any more, "I'm sorry, Cal."

A sad smile showed on her face, "His name was Arrin. He was my breath of fresh air under there. I loved him, so much, even in the little time we had together. An angel, I called him," A tear escaped her eye, and Vik was ready to wipe it away, "He loved me and I'm sure he'd want me to be happy, especially now that I'm free."

"Enough about me, gods," she gripped the front of his shirt, "Let's see what you can do."

Vik didn't even have the time to ask what was going on when they appeared on the ring in the training area. "Show me what they taught you," Cal said, raising her arms in a fighting stance, "Your turn to train me, if you will."

The male stood still, not knowing what to do. He didn't want to fight her. "Cal, I—"

"What, too much of a wuss to land a punch?"


"Ah, I knew it," she taunted, "Where's the Morphling we know?"


From the look on Vik's face, Cal knew that she was riling him up, "I've been gone for years and you grew soft? Come on, Viktor!"

She figured he had Cassian's temper so she had expected his reaction a couple steps ahead. With a growl, Vik threw the first hit. In a blink of an eye, the siblings became a blur of punches and blocks. They started off with a series of defensive moves and went on to the offenses. Then Vik got a little too carried away and socks Callaghan right on her jaw, knocking her to the floor. He went to apologize but Callaghan laughed it off.

"It was a good hit!" she praised, "More force into that and you would have had me passed out."

Vik was confused at how she reacted, "Oh no, did I hit you too hard?"

"I'm fine, Vik," she took his hand and he helped her stand, "Didn't you say that I'm a tough cookie?"

"When I was ten, Cal!"

"Again, I'm fine," she repeated herself, giving his cheek a light pat, "Maybe you'll join me in my missions one of these days."

"You won't be in any missions any time soon."

She turns to Azriel who appeared out of nowhere, "And why is that?"

"You're healing," he said, "You need rest."

"I'm fine, Azriel!" she didn't even notice that her voice raised a bit, "I have rested and I am healed, what else do you want?"

"You need to adjust, Callaghan. You've been in the Mountain for too long."

Vik couldn't find the chance to butt in, his eyes going back and forth between the two.

Cal threw her hands in the air, "I am perfectly fine!"

Azriel steps forward, "You're staying, that's an order."

The spy, too, stepped forward, "You are not my High Lord, shadowsinger." Then she winnows away.

Viktor lets out an exasperated sigh, "Good job, Az. Good fucking job." He made sure to meet his eyes before he walked away, "What is it with you, Illyrians, and pissing my sister off?"


CALLAGHAN BREATHED IN THE COOL AIR, taking in the sun and the chirping of the birds and the noise from the city. These simple things constantly reminded her of her freedom. Reminding her that she is out of the Mountain. Reminding her that she's back to controlling her own life.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I can feel you hovering?"

"I'm sorry," Azriel says. "I shouldn't have bossed you around."

A smirk finds its way to her face, "What was it again?"

The shadowsinger did not show signs of amusement, "I won't repeat it."

"You're right, though, unfortunately," she said, taking a deep breath, "I guess I do need my rest."

"Also," she quickly adds, "I wanted to thank you for taking care of Vik while I was gone. He's grown strong."

Azriel turned his head to face her, "We only taught him to fight, Cal. His wisdom and empathy still came from you."

She chuckles, "You think so highly of me, spymaster. Little do you know," she taps her temples, "There's nothing up in here."

Her humor made him smile. But Cal didn't miss the faint shadow that curled by his ear, whispering to him. The shadowsinger paused, "Cal, I—"

"—have to go," she finished for him, "Go, do your job. No more day offs."

"Good to have you back, Callaghan."

"It's good to have me back."


[ notes! ]

a bit of a filler bUt heYyyyy

next chapter has more az x cal momentsss,,, i think :>

also lets take some time to appreciate this edit by kareanritika!!!

also lets take some time to appreciate this edit by kareanritika!!!

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